
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ChromoNet enhance poor quality karyograms so that it would be easier to analyze them with less error.


For using the our trained model:

  1. Download and install CycleGAN
  2. Download the weights from the Dropbox link
  3. Make a directory inside CycleGAN 'checkpoints' directory and name it 'chrom_images'
  4. Put the weights downloaded at CycleGAN checkpoints/chrom_images directory
  5. Make a directory inside CycleGAN 'datasets' directory and name it 'chrom_images'
  6. Put the images of the chromosme pair at CycleGAN checkpoints/datasets directory
  7. Run the follwing command python test.py --dataroot datasets/chrom_images/ --name chrom_images --gpu_ids 0 --input_nc 1 --output_nc 1 --norm batch --netG unet_256 --model cycle_gan