
A (super) quick script for randomizing some array, display it and remove it from array until the array depletes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CS Senior Randomizer

TL;DR : This is the list randomizer where you can ...

  1. press e to set the list of text
  2. press enter key to start the app
  3. long press spacebar until you're satisfied and you'll get one item from the list you set displayed in a gigantic font, and that item will no longer in the list.
  4. after that, press enter to start next turn (go back to 3.), repeat until the list is depleted.

This project is being deployed to Github pages.

The "Making of" Story

Back in my university days. There is a culture in my department (Computer Science (that's why CS in the repo name)) where, every year, the freshmen who wanted to have their senior and seniors that wanted to have their descendant(s) will join the activity called "Picking the Code". Where the seniors are assigned to a unique number and the freshmen will have to do some mission to get a change to pick their senior.

We normally did picking the simple way. Putting numbers on pieces of paper and put those in a jar, and let the freshmen pick them. But we're going to study for 4 years, right ? Why don't we do this activity more "Computer Science" way ? Letting the freshmen see that the programming they gonna study for 4 years to come can be applied to everywhere they want, and this is so easy and fun to do too!

So, there you go. I made this for all juniors at my uni, and for fun! If you just wandered around Github and found this repo, feel free to use it or if you found any problem with these scripts and wanted to help, don't hesitate to raise PRs or at least open an issue and I would be really thankful.

How to use

You can either clone the repo and use it anywhere or go to Github pages.

On the start screen. You can...

  • press e to edit the list of values. (Put the comma-separated-value in the field and hit OK).
  • press enter to start the app.

After that, the list will be pre-randomized and green screen will show up.

  • press Spacebar to display random numbers from 0-999, if the Spacebar is released, the random display will stop and the first from the list will show up on the screen and remove from to list.
  • To continue to next round of randomization, press enter

Until the list is depleted, the red screen with show up. You can either...

  • Reload the page or
  • Just hit enter

This app use cookie for storing the item list data locally. This helps when the list is depleted, reloading the page will restore data from local storage and you don't have to put in the list again.


I know, this is not the best practice making web app. But, I really wanted to keep these scripts simple. So, consider these.

  • No building, bundling, etc.
  • Try to use the most out of vanilla JavaScript while maintaining code readability.
    • of course, we're not going to do the document.getElementById('elem-id') or element.innerHtml = '1234'. So using the external library is fine.


$ git clone <repo_path>

There you go, ready to run, just launch index.html in any modern browser.


This project is MIT Licensed.