
Gecco 2007 contest

Primary LanguageHaskell

This project is an attempt to solve the GECCO 2007 problem Ant Wars

The report folder contains latex source as well as the generated pdf of the team report

The .dat files contain statistics on the evolution of the population (average score, death, and tree depth)
The .pop files contain the list of individuals of a specific generation : standard_island4_37.pop is the 37nth generated population of the standard_island4 computation
The .ant files contain the best individual of a specific population : standandard_island4_37.ant is the best ant selected from the standard_island_37.pop file

The experiment folder contains some of the data collected and used to generate graphs, for convinience the grahps png files have been added to the folder but can be automatically generated by running the associated Octave/Matlab scripts

the program can be compiled using the following command line : "ghc Main.hs -o main"
however for better performance use "ghc -O2 --make Main.hs -O2 -fexcess-precision -optc-O3 -optc-ffast-math -fforce-recomp -o main"

Several options to run the program ;
./main pop ../experiment/FILENAME - to evolve a hole new population
./main ant ../experiment/POP_FILENAME - to find the best individual of the specified FILENAME.pop population
./main gen ../experiment/FILENAME - to automatically find the best ant generated
./main tour ../experiment/ANT_FILENAME - to play a tournament involving the specified genetically evolved ant and the rule-based ants
./main play ../experiment/ANT_FILENAME - to play a game against the specified genetic ant

for instance lauch "./main play ../experiment/standard_island4_37" to play a game using the ant from the standard_island4_37.ant file