vue-sketchapp plugin BETA (hot-reload)
This plugin was created using skpm
. For a detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the skpm Readme.
Basically used and
Install the dependencies
npm install
cd sketch
npm install
Configure plugin for sketchapp
cd ..
npm run webpack
npm run start
Run hot-reload Vue-cli application
Open a new tab in the terminal, the previous tab should be open and listen to the plugin changes
cd sketch
npm run serve
Vue Src application in http://localhost:8080/ setting in server/inject.js
Vue app url API
To set group names in a sketch: group1, app-container etc.. you need to install data attr to node.
data-gname="child-block" - group name in sketch
data-rname="color rect" - rectangle name
<div id="app" data-gname="app">
<div data-gname="parent-block" class="test">
<Block color="red" name="rect red"/>
<Block color="black" name="rect black"/>
<Block color="green" name="rect green"/>
<div data-gname="parent-block2" class="test">
<Block color="red" name="rect red"/>
<Block color="black" name="rect black"/>
<Block color="green" name="rect green"/>
Block.vue component
<div :data-rname="name" data-gname="child-block" :class="color" class="block">
Class {{color}}