
facebook graphql server side for yii2 php framework

Primary LanguagePHP


Using Facebook GraphQL PHP server implementation. Extend graphql-php to apply to YII2.

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  • Configuration simplification includes simplifying the definition of standard graphql protocols.
  • Based on the full name defined by the type, implemented on-demand loading and lazy loading, and no need to load all type definitions into the system at the initial stage
  • Mutation input validation support
  • Provide controller integration and authorization support


use composer

composer require tsingsun/yii2-graphql


The type system is the core of GraphQL, which is embodied in GraphQLType. By deconstructing the graphql protocol and using the graph-php library to achieve fine-grained control of all elements, it is convenient to extend the class according to its own needs

The main elements of GraphQLType,** Notice that the element does not correspond to attributes or methods (the same below) **

element type description
name string Required Each type needs to be named, and if it is the only one that is more secure, but not mandatory, the property needs to be defined in attribute
fields array Required The included field content is represented by the fields () method.
resolveField callback function($value, $args, $context, GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info) For the interpretation of a field, such as the fields definition of the user property, the corresponding interpretation method is resolveUserField (), and $value is specified as a type instance defined by type


GraphQLQuery,GraphQLMutation inherited GraphQLField,The element structure is consistent, and you want to do it for some reusable Field, you can inherit it. Each query of Graphql needs to correspond to a GraphQLQuery object

The main elements of GraphQLField

element type description
type ObjectType For the corresponding query type, the single type is specified by GraphQL:: type, and the list by Type:: listOf (GraphQL:: type)
args array Query the parameters that need to be used, each of which is defined by Field
resolve callback function($value, $args, $context, GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info),$value is the root data, $args is the query parameter, the $context context is the yii\web\Application object, and the $info resolves the object for the query. The root object is handled in this method


Very similar to GraphQLQuery, refer to the instructions


Simplifies the declarations of Field, and the fields can be directly used by type


used in yii

Module support

it easy to integrate with GraphQLModuleTrait,the trait is responsible for initialization.

     class Module extends Module{
        use GraphQLModuleTrait;

in your config file:

    'moduleName '=>[
       //graphql config
       'schema' => [        
          'query' => [
              'user' => 'app\graphql\query\UsersQuery'
          'mutation' => [
          //if you use sample query except query contain interface,fragment,not need set
          //the key must same as your class definded

Use the controller to receive requests,access with GraphQLAction

class xxxController extends Controller{
   function actions()
       return [

Component Support

also you can include the trait with your own components,then initialization yourself.

    'componentsName '=>[
       //graphql config
       'schema' => [        
          'query' => [
              'user' => 'app\graphql\query\UsersQuery'
          'mutation' => [
          //if you use sample query except query contain interface,fragment,not need set
          //the key must same as your class definded

Input validation

Validation support is provided for data submission of mutation In addition to graphql based validate, you can also use Yii Model validate, which is currently used for validation of input parameters. The rules method is added directly to the mutation definition

public function rules()
        return [

Authorization verification

Since graphql queries can be combined, such as when a query merges two query, and the two query have different authorization constraints, custom authentication is required in graph. I refer to this query as "graphql actions"; when all graphql actions conditions are configured, it pass the authorization check.


In the behavior method of controller, the authorization method is set as follows

function behaviors()
    return [

If you want to support IntrospectionQuery authorization, the corresponding graphql action is "__schema"


if user has pass authenticate,you maybe want to check the access for the resource.you can use GraphqlAction's checkAccess in controller where the action host.it will check all graphql actions.

class GraphqlController extends Controller
    public function actions()
        return [
            'index' => [
                'class' => 'yii\graphql\GraphQLAction',
                'checkAccess'=> [$this,'checkAccess'],
     * authorization
     * @param $actionName
     * @throws yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException
    public function checkAccess($actionName)
        $permissionName = $this->module->id . '/' . $actionName;
        $pass = Yii::$app->getAuthManager()->checkAccess(Yii::$app->user->id,$permissionName);
            throw new yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException('Access Denied');


Creating queries based on graphql protocols

Each query corresponds to a GraphQLQuery file

class UserQuery extends GraphQLQuery
    public function type()
        return GraphQL::type(UserType::class);

    public function args()
        return [

    public function resolve($value, $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info)
        return DataSource::findUser($args['id']);


Define type files based on query protocols

class UserType extends GraphQLType
    protected $attributes = [
        'description'=>'user is user'

    public function fields()
        $result = [
            'id' => ['type'=>Type::id()],
            'email' => Types::email(),
            'email2' => Types::email(),
            'photo' => [
                'type' => GraphQL::type(ImageType::class),
                'description' => 'User photo URL',
                'args' => [
                    'size' => Type::nonNull(GraphQL::type(ImageSizeEnumType::class)),
            'firstName' => [
                'type' => Type::string(),
            'lastName' => [
                'type' => Type::string(),
            'lastStoryPosted' => GraphQL::type(StoryType::class),
            'fieldWithError' => [
                'type' => Type::string(),
                'resolve' => function() {
                    throw new \Exception("This is error field");
        return $result;

    public function resolvePhotoField(User $user,$args){
        return DataSource::getUserPhoto($user->id, $args['size']);

    public function resolveIdField(User $user, $args)
        return $user->id.'test';

    public function resolveEmail2Field(User $user, $args)
        return $user->email2.'test';


Query instance

'hello' =>  "
        query hello{hello}

    'singleObject' =>  "
        query user {
            user(id:\"2\") {

    'multiObject' =>  "
        query multiObject {
            user(id: \"2\") {
            stories(after: \"1\") {
    'updateObject' =>  "
        mutation updateUserPwd{
            updateUserPwd(id: \"1001\", password: \"123456\") {

Handle Exception

you can config the error formater for graph,the default handle use yii\graphql\ErrorFormatter, it optimized processing of Model validation results

    'moduleName '=>[


  • ActiveRecord generate tool for generating query and mutation class.
  • Some of the special syntax for graphql,such as @Directives,has not test