


  • 集成Material Design,为每一个UI组件提供外观。

  • 提供两个典型的项目实例:面向大众用户的门户型系统、面向行业应用的后台管理系统。我打算把这两个案例做得尽量完整,而不像很多seed项目或者TodoList那样简单,因为在真实的项目中,这种简单的TodoList压根没有什么参考价值。


git clone https://github.com/damoqiongqiu/angular2-material-mngsys.git

npm install

npm install -g angular-cli

cd angular2-material-mngsys

ng serve




Angular官方核心团队也在跟进Material Design相关的内容,我这里会与他们定期同步,注意,不是实时同步,我可能一个月同步修改一次。



Why I started this project

Throughout the most popular front-end frameworks on the market,such as Extjs(Sencha)and jQueryUI(including EasyUI,Kissy and so on),they integrated a lot of UI components.Extjs has more than 250 components and EasyUI has about 100.Among these components,some of them are necessary during daily work,such as Grid/Tree/DateTimePicker/FormUtil/FormValidation/NavBar and so on.

So, I am going to collect and maintain these components for you in this porject.

  • Integrate BootStrap and Material Design,provide the appearance for each component.

  • I will provide two demo projects base on these components,one for the public use and the other for the management system.I will implement these two demo as complete as possible,they will not as simple as those seed projects or TodoList projects.In real world development,these TodoList projects have no reference value at all.


git clone https://github.com/damoqiongqiu/angular2-material-mngsys.git

npm install

npm install -g angular-cli

cd angular2-material-mngsys

ng serve

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/

If you can see the page,that means app works,there might be some errors,it's not a problem.


The core team of Angular is using Material Design too,I will sync this project with them.Please Note that,I will sync with the core team once a month,but not realtime sync.


This project,include the coming demo projects are under MIT license ,you can modify,distribute,or use them for commercial purpose,you need NOT inform me first.Note that I will NOT provide customized development for your specific business logics,because my energy is limited.