
An ERC20 token faucet on the Ethereum mainnet, layer 2s and testnets

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

Weenus 💪 Token Faucet

An ERC20 token faucet on the Ethereum mainnet, some Ethereum L2s, and some testnets.

For Ethereum Layer 2 chains like Arbitrum, Base and Optimism, search for their official bridges or try something lay https://www.layerswap.io/app, to bridge your ETH from Ethereum Mainnet to the Layer 2. Test in small amounts first.

Search in your Ethereum blockchain explorer for WEENUS (18 decimals), XEENUS (18 decimals), YEENUS (8 decimals) or ZEENUS (0 decimals).

Send a 0 value transaction from your account to the token contract addresses below on your preferred network, and these token contracts will mint 1,000 ERC20 test tokens for your account.

You will need some ethers (ETH) to pay for the network transaction fees. See Testnet Ether Faucets below to obtain testnet ethers.

The WETH9 contracts on the ETH and L2 Mainnets are the main WETH9 contracts. The WETH9 contracts on testnets are deployed for testing.

Symbol Decimals Faucet Drip Rate ETH Mainnet Arbitrum One Base Mainnet Linea Optimism Zora Sepolia Görli Gnosis Polygon(mumbai)
WEENUS 18 1,000 0x2823589A 0x429106bA 0x83377ea9 0x9C4B276d 0x07391dbE 0x9C4B276d 0x7439E9Bb 0xaFF4481D 0xE6421E9a 0xB293DfbD
XEENUS 18 1,000 0xeEf5E2d8 0x66fa9680 0x07391dbe 0x429106bA 0x5A4Fc443 0x429106bA 0xc21d9767 0x022E292b 0xB6D06c9b 0x2b3Ea076
YEENUS 8 1,000 0x187E63F9 0x83377ea9 0x5A4Fc443 0x66fa9680 0x74C2A141 0x66fa9680 0x93fCA4c6 0xc6fDe3FD 0x0257f5d2 0x0e427E5a
ZEENUS 0 1,000 0x0693c3a7 0x07391dbE 0x74C2A141 0x83377ea9 0xb549ea68 0x83377ea9 0xe9EF74A6 0x1f9061B9 0x81F4Ce55 0x9B20B6C3
WETH9 18 Send ETH 0xC02aaA39 0x82aF4944 0x42000000 0xe5D7C2a4 0x42000000 0x42000000 0x07391dbE

Testnet Ether Faucets

Check https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/networks/#which-testnet-should-i-use? for the latest information on testnet faucets.

Testnet Explorers Testnet ETH Faucets
Polygon(mumbai) https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/ https://faucet.polygon.technology/

Mainnet xDai Faucet

Mainnet Explorers Mainnet xDai Faucets
Gnosis https://gnosisscan.io/ https://gnosisfaucet.com/

Görli Archive At Apr 13 2024

Görli has been deprecated. Here are screenshots of the usage statistics:









Please submit PR with updates to the information above.


(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd - Apr 13 2024. The MIT Licence.