the font-awesome font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline
- 0
Support Rails 8.0
#233 opened by balakirevs - 1
Can't find stylesheet to import: @import "font-awesome" when using `dartsass-rails`
#232 opened by dima4p - 0
- 0
- 0
Only Supports FontAwesome 4.7
#219 opened by jasonfb - 1
Tiktok icon
#212 opened by rohitbansal0689 - 2
Request aria-hidden="true"
#216 opened by AxelBriche - 1
Rails - icons are not being loaded with Bulma
#221 opened by stephenhuey - 1
Support Rails 7.0
#224 opened by thr3a - 0
- 7
- 0
Add 'rel=preload' to the font link
#217 opened by elmirill - 2
Tests appear to fail with Ruby 3
#213 opened by snecklifter - 10
Rails 6.1 support
#206 opened by Vasfed - 1
fa-vial icon missing
#208 opened by camilova - 34
Support FontAwesome 5.0?
#194 opened by larryisthere - 2
Discord icon not working
#205 opened by tbhockey - 1
Remove transitive dependency on sass gem
#203 opened by adjam - 3
Not precompiling fonts in production
#200 opened by crissmancd - 12
- 4
file-alt Missing Icon
#201 opened by derrickmar - 4
#192 opened by julien51 - 3
Rails 5.2 support?
#197 opened by optimuspwnius - 1
READ ME file
#196 opened by DenisLP - 1
Simple font subsetting?
#193 opened by david-a-wheeler - 2 suggestion
#189 opened by hectorcorrea - 1
Data attributes
#190 opened by SaimonL - 3
Consider supporting fixed-width as a passed option
#187 opened by SaladFork - 6
ActionView::Template::Error - File to import not found or unreadable: font-awesome.
#186 opened by francesco-loreti - 2
Rails 5 support for Font awesome v3
#181 opened by ronakjain90 - 1
Font-Awesome 4.7 just released
#178 opened by rmm5t - 3
Icons are not showing up in IE 11
#177 opened by krinkere - 8
- 1
fa_icon is undefined for views when running specs
#173 opened by crawfoal - 1
Skinnier FontAwesome assets
#171 opened by Janther - 4
Missing fa-check icon on some browsers
#168 opened by alexmarles - 7
Missing Icons on IE 11
#167 opened by ticktricktrack - 1
gem install font-awesome-rails -v '' fails
#166 opened by IslamAzab - 3
require 'pry' in railtie.rb
#165 opened by ijdickinson - 3
Scale Text with Icon in fa_icon helper
#164 opened by nacengineer - 2
- 1
- 2
bootstrap template having something like this
#161 opened by Siplicity14 - 2
gem includes emacs lock file.
#158 opened by sugi - 2
assets:precompile fails
#157 opened by arinhouck - 1
Icons not loading on Chrome OS or Windows
#154 opened by ttseng - 1
Not showing fonts on heroku
#153 opened by whitewolf92 - 1
font-awesome-rails and jquery-awesome-cursor
#151 opened by DannyBen - 10
- 1