Missing some information on how to properly integrate the assets with a Rails application
ItalianChef opened this issue · 1 comments
I find this gem very useful, however, I was missing some information on how to properly integrate the assets with a Rails application. So I fiddled around a little bit (actually I had to look up the names of the assets here on GitHub). To integrate the assets (Javascript and CSS files), I added them to my application.css.scss and application.js file
Here's the excerpt from my application.css.scss:
*= require fullcalendar
*= require fullcalendar.print
An here's the excerpt from my application.js
//= require fullcalendar
//= require gcal
For the Javascripts, it should also be pointed out in which order the files should be included / loaded.
It would be great if you could provide further description on the above (probably also with some alternatives).
Thanks for the feedback. As I create these initially for my own convenience, I can easily miss those details that people need from another perspective.
Readme has been appropriately updated.