The implementation follows the ideas described in Chapter 12, "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming" by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi.
An overview of CP implementation in Mozart/Oz.
Proof of concept. Not suitable for use in production. Significant API changes and core implementation rewrites are expected.
- views (linear combinations of variables in constraints)
- solving constraint satisfaction (CSP) and constrained optimization (COP) problems
- parallel search
- pluggable search strategies
- distributed solving
The package can be installed by adding fixpoint
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:fixpoint, "~> 0.8.28"}
Let's solve the following constraint satisfaction problem:
Given two sets of values
x = {1,2}, y = {0, 1}
, find all solutions such that
First step is to create a model that describes the problem we want to solve.
The model consists of variables and constraints over the variables.
In this example, we have 2 variables
alias CPSolver.IntVariable
alias CPSolver.Constraint.NotEqual
alias CPSolver.Model
## Variable constructor takes a domain (i.e., set of values), and optional parameters, such as `name`
x =[1, 2], name: "x")
y =[0, 1], name: "y")
## Create NotEqual constraint
neq_constraint =, y)
Now create an instance of CPSolver.Model
model =[x, y], [neq_constraint])
Once we have a model, we pass it to CPSolver.solve/1,2
We can either solve asynchronously:
## Asynchronous solving doesn't block
{:ok, solver} = CPSolver.solve(model)
## We can check for solutions and solver state and/or stats,
## for instance:
## There are 3 solutions: {x = 1, y = 0}, {x = 2, y = 0}, {x = 2, y = 1}
[[1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1]]
## Solver reports it has found all solutions
iex(47)> CPSolver.status(solver)
## Some stats
iex(48)> CPSolver.statistics(solver)
elapsed_time: 2472,
solution_count: 3,
active_node_count: 0,
failure_count: 0,
node_count: 5
, or use a blocking call:
iex(49)> {:ok, results} = CPSolver.solve_sync(model)
status: :all_solutions,
statistics: %{
elapsed_time: 3910,
solution_count: 3,
active_node_count: 0,
failure_count: 0,
node_count: 5
variables: ["x", "y"],
objective: nil,
solutions: [[2, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0]]
# Solving
# Asynchronous solving.
# Takes CPSolver.Model instance and solver options as a Keyword.
# Creates a solver process that runs asynchronously
# and could be controlled and queried for produced solutions and/or status as it runs.
# The solver process is alive even after the solving is completed.
# It's the responsibility of a caller to dispose of it when no longer needed.
# (by calling CPSolver.dispose/1)
{:ok, solver} = CPSolver.solve(model, solver_opts)
# Synchronous solving.
# Takes CPSolver.Model instance and solver options as a Keyword.
# Starts the solver and gets the results (solutions and/or solver stats) once the solver finishes.
{:ok, solver_results} = CPSolver.solve_sync(model, solver_opts)
, where
- specification of the model;solver_opts (optional)
- solver options.
model =, constraints)
, where
is a list of variables up to a concrete implementation.
Currently, the only implementation supported is for variables over integer finite domain.
is a list of constraints.
model =, constraints, objective: objective)
The same as for CSP, but with additional :objective
option. The objective is constructed by using
and CPSolver.Objective.maximize/1
Available options:
solution_handler: function()
A callback that gets called performed every time the solver finds a new solution. The single argument is a list of tuples
{variable_name, variable_value}
timeout: integer()
Time to wait (in milliseconds) for terminating
call. Defaults to 30_000. -
stop_on: term() | condition_fun()
Condition for stopping the solving. Currently, only
{:max_solutions, max_solutions}
condition is available. Defaults tonil
. -
search: {variable_choice(), value_choice()}
space_threads: integer()
Defines the number of processes for parallel search. Defaults to 8.
distributed: boolean() | [Node.t()]
, all connected nodes will participate in distributed solving. Alternatively, one can specify the sublist of connected nodes. Defaults tofalse
Fixpoint allows to solve an instance of CSP/COP problem using multiple cluster nodes.
Note: Fixpoint will not configure the cluster nodes!
It's assumed that each node has the cluster membership and the fixpoint
dependency is installed on it.
The solving starts on a 'leader' node, and then the work is distributed across participating nodes.
The 'leader' node coordinates the process of solving through shared solver state.
Let's collect all solutions for 8-Queens problem using distributed solving.
For demonstration purposes, we will spawn peer nodes like so:
iex --name leader --cookie solver -S mix
### Let's spawn 2 worker nodes...
worker_nodes =["node1", "node2"], fn node ->
{:ok, _pid, node_name} = :peer.start(%{name: node, longnames: true, args: ['-setcookie', 'solver']}), :code, :add_paths, [:code.get_path()])
Then we'll pass spawned worker nodes to the solver:
## To convince ourselves that the solving runs on worker nodes, we'll use a solution handler:
solution_handler = fn solution -> IO.puts("#{inspect, fn {_name, solution} -> solution end)} <- #{inspect Node.self()}") end
{:ok, _solver} = CPSolver.solve(CPSolver.Examples.Queens.model(8),
distributed: worker_nodes,
solution_handler: solution_handler)
Fixpoint allows to specify strategies for searching for feasible and/or optimal solutions.
This is controlled by :search
option, which is a tuple {variable_choice
, value_choice
Generally, variable_choice
is either an implementation of variable selector, or an identificator of out-of-box implementation that fronts such an implementation.
Likewise, value_choice
is either an implementation of value partition, or an identificator of out-of-box implementation.
Available standard search strategies:
: choose the unfixed variable with smallest domain size:input_order
: choose the first unfixed variable in the order defined by the model
:indomain_min, :indomain_max, :indomain_random
: choose minimal, maximal and random value from the variable domain, respectively
Default search strategy is {:first_fail, :indomain_min}
The choice of search strategy may significantly affect the performance of solving,
as the following example shows:
alias CPSolver.Examples.Knapsack
## First, use the default strategy
{:ok, results} = CPSolver.solve_sync(Knapsack.tourist_knapsack_model())
elapsed_time: 689543,
solution_count: 114,
active_node_count: 0,
failure_count: 1614,
node_count: 3455
## Now, use the :indomain_max for the value choice.
## Decision variables for items have {0,1} domain, where 1 means that the item will be packed.
## Hence, :indomain_max tells the solver to try to include the items first
## before excluding them.
{:ok, results} = CPSolver.solve_sync(Knapsack.tourist_knapsack_model(), search: {:first_fail, :indomain_max})
iex(main@zephyr.local)21> results.statistics
elapsed_time: 301501,
solution_count: 14,
active_node_count: 0,
failure_count: 693,
node_count: 1413
The solution time for :indomain_max is more than twice less compared to the default value choice strategy
Shows how to put together a model that solves a simple riddle.
Classical N-Queens problem
No explanation needed :-)
Cryptoarithmetics problem - a riddle that involves arithmetics.
Constraint Optimization Problem - packing items so they fit the knapsack and maximize the total value. Think Indiana Jones trying to fill his backpack with treasures in the best way possible :-)
Constraint Optimization Problem - assign facilities to locations so the cost of moving goods between facilities is minimized.
Two combinatorial problems from