
Honeydew is a job queue + worker pool for Elixir.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Honeydew ("Honey, do!") is a job queue + worker pool for Elixir.

  • Workers are permanent and hold immutable state.
  • Workers pull jobs from the work queue.
  • Tasks are executed using cast/2 and call/2, somewhat like a GenServer.
  • If a worker crashes while processing a job, the job is recovered and placed back on the queue.

Getting Started

In your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
  [{:honeydew, " ~> 0.0.4"}]


Create a worker module and use Honeydew, then start the pool in your supervision tree with Honeydew.child_spec/4.

Honeydew will call your worker's init/1 and will keep the state from {:ok, state}.

You can add tasks to the queue using cast/2 or call/2, like so:

Database.cast(:poolname, {:put, ["key", "value"]})

Database.call(:poolname, :up?)


defmodule Riak do
  use Honeydew

  @moduledoc """
    This is an example Worker to interface with Riak.
    You'll need to add the erlang riak driver to your mix.exs:
      `{:riakc, github: "basho/riak-erlang-client"}`

  def init({ip, port}) do
    :riakc_pb_socket.start_link(ip, port)

  def up?(riak) do
    :riakc_pb_socket.ping(riak) == :pong

  def put(bucket, key, obj, content_type, riak) do
    :riakc_pb_socket.put(riak, :riakc_obj.new(bucket, key, obj, content_type))

  def get(bucket, key, riak) do
    case :riakc_pb_socket.get(riak, bucket, key) do
      {:ok, obj} -> :riakc_obj.get_value(obj)
      {:error, :notfound} -> nil
      error -> error

Add the pool to your application's supervision tree:

def start(_type, _args) do
  import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

  children = [
    Honeydew.child_spec(:riak_pool, Riak, {'', 8087})

  Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one))
iex(1)> Riak.call(:riak_pool, :up?)
iex(2)> Riak.cast(:riak_pool, {:put, ["bucket", "key", "value", "text/plain"]})
iex(3)> Riak.call(:riak_pool, {:get, ["bucket", "key"]})                       

Worker State

Worker state is immutable, the only way to change it is to cause the worker to crash and let the supervisor restart it.

Your worker module's init/1 function must return {:ok, state}. If anything else is returned or the function raises an error, the worker will die and restart after a given time interval (by default, five seconds).

Pool Options

Honeydew.child_spec/4's last argument is a keyword list of pool options.

See the Honeydew module for the possible options.

Process Tree

├── Honeydew.WorkQueue
└── Honeydew.WorkerSupervisor
    └── Honeydew.Worker (x 10, by default)


  • Failure backends
    • :abandon
    • :requeue
      • delay interval
      • action after max_tries (abandon, keep in queue, marshal)
  • Distribution
    • jobs in mnesia, to allow other nodes to run work queues?


Thanks to @marcelog, for his failing worker restart strategy.