
A browser library for turning GeoJson into a GPX XMLDocument

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Convert GeoJson to GPX


Designed to be a browser library. Will interpret a geojson object into a gpx XMLDocument. From there you can convert it to a string for download or post process the document.

Can be used with Node though by doing something like:

  import { DOMImplementation } from '@xmldom/xmldom';
  import GeoJsonToGpx from "@dwayneparton/geojson-to-gpx"
  global.document = {implementation: new DOMImplementation()};
  const gpx = GeoJsonToGpx(geojson, options);


Contributions welcome.

Goals and Parameters


npm install @dwayneparton/geojson-to-gpx



  • Feature
  • FeatureCollection - each feature(LineSting|MultiLineString) is interpreted into it's own trk, (Point|MultiPoint) will be new wpt


  • Point
  • MultiPoint - adds wpt for each point
  • LineString
  • MultiLineString - each link string is broken out into a net trkseg

Incompatible Geometries are ignored. Why? The GPX format is designed for storing waypoints, tracks, and routes.


This examples converts a geojson object to a gpx file for users to download.

import GeoJsonToGpx from "@dwayneparton/geojson-to-gpx"

const options = {
  metadata: {
    name: 'A grand adventure',
    author: {
      name: 'Dwayne Parton',
      link: {
        href: 'https://www.dwayneparton.com'

const geojson = { 
  type: "Feature",
  properties : {
    name : 'Slow journey from null island'
  geometry: {
    type: "LineString",
    coordinates: [
      [0.0, 0.0],
      [0.0, 1.0],
      [0.0, 2.0],
      [0.0, 3.0]

// Will convert geojson into xml document
const gpx = GeoJsonToGpx(geojson, options);

// convert document to string or post process it
const gpxString = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(gpx);

// @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10654971/create-text-file-from-string-using-js-and-html5
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.download = 'geojson-to-gpx.gpx';
const blob = new Blob([gpxString], {type: 'text/xml'});
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);