BUG: ValueError when running `collate-reads-allele-annotations`
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VinzentRisch commented
When running:
qiime amr collate-reads-allele-annotations --i-annotations partition_reads_allele/sample1.qza partition_reads_allele/sample2.qza --o-collated-annotations partition_reads_allele/collate.qza
This error occurs:
ValueError: Cannot place Tuple[SampleData[CARDAlleleAnnotation % Properties('kma', 'bowtie2')]] and Tuple[SampleData[CARDAlleleAnnotation % Properties('kma', 'bwa')]] in the same type variable.
I do not know where this error could come from.
The error gets fixed if the not released qiime2 version 2024.5 is installed
Until this version is released The installation instructions have to be changed to include:
pip install git+https://github.com/qiime2/qiime2.git