
Tutorial4RL: Tutorial for Reinforcement Learning. 强化学习入门教程.

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Tutorial4RL: Tutorial for Reinforcement Learning. 强化学习入门教程.

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强化学习教程 | RL Tutorials:

强化学习开源项目 | RL Open Source Projects:


  • [AAAI] AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI. (CCF-A会议)
  • [IJCAI] International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI. (CCF-A会议)
  • [ICML] International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML.(CCF-A会议)
  • [NeurIPS] Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS. (CCF-A会议)
  • [AAMAS] International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, AAMAS. (CCF-A会议)
  • [ICLR] International Conference on Learning Representations, ICRA. (CCF-A会议)
  • [ICRA] IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA. (CCF-A会议)
  • 强化学习顶会文章合集:https://github.com/Allenpandas/Awesome-Reinforcement-Learning-Papers

强化学习社区 | RL Community:

强化学习学术团队(国内) | RL Academic Team(Home):

强化学习学术团队(国外) | RL Academic Team(Abroad):