
Allows to perform an airdrop to an address list according to a given token and network

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Get started with Hardhat

Try it now

A build of the dapp was deployed on ipfs and then pinned on aleph.im.

You can access the application now on https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmcucpwWiurssnUf6K22g9eRmQJXQgefRtLeFWpqvu1ajn/#/

Attention please, only the Avalanche Fuji Testnet is available on this version


Start by installing hardhat on your local. Hardhat is an Ethereum development environment. Compile your contracts and run them on a development network.

Then install vue + vuetify.

Testing contract

npx hardhat test

Deploy contract

npx hardhat run --network <YOUR_NETWORK> script/deploy.js

Here is the list of the compatible networks:

Network Name Chain ID RPC
Avalanche 0xA86A https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
Avalanche Fuji Testnet 0xA869 https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
Binance Smart Chain 0x38 https://bsc-dataseed2.binance.org
Ethereum 0x1 https://rpc.ankr.com/eth
Fantom Opera 0xFA https://rpc.fantom.network
Fantom Tesnet 0xFA2 https://rpc.testnet.fantom.network

If you want to add and deploy protocol on a new network:

  1. open and edit hardhat.config.js and add it according to the following format:
networks: {
    <name of you network>: {
      url: "<rpc of your network>",
      accounts: ["<List of private key>"...]
  1. edit /services/networks.json and add data (I fetched network data from chainlist.org)
  2. edit /services/contracts/addresses.json and add your deployed contract like the following format:
    "AirdropFactoryContractAddress": {
        "0x000": "0x000...00",
        "0x001": "0x000...01",

Running client

For running the front end on localhost:

cd client/
npm install
npm run serve

Then open (default) http://localhost:8080