Block Chain and Digital Currency 2019-20 Module 1 (Fall 2019)


  • Please update the student list by adding your full name and github repository.
  • Homework #1 is posted.
  • Our TA will give an introductory discussion of Java and IDE on 2019/9/12 Thursday from 9-11 AM at PHBS Room 513, the Finance Lab.
  • Special thanks to Professor Riccardo Bettati, who kindly gives us permission to use his slides for this class. Here is the link to the slides page. As he noted in his course web site, these slides were inherited and modified from the original Princeton slides at Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies.
  • Special thanks to Professor Jaehyuk Choi, who kindly provided the course materials that he used for his class!





  • Lectures: Monday & Thursday 3:30 – 5:20 PM
  • Location: PHBS Building, Room 335
  • Office Hour: Room 649, Tuesday 9-11 AM

Teaching Assistance: Cong Fang

  • Email:
  • Location: PHBS Building, Room 213
  • Office Hour: Tuesday 3:30 - 5:20 PM, Thursday 8:30 - 10:20 AM

Textbooks and Reading Materials

Assessment / Grading Details

  • Attendance 20%, Assignments 30%, Mid-term exam 30%, Final Project 20%
  • Attendance: Randomly checked. The score is calculated as 20 – 2x(#of absence).