A KAIST professor needs to increase the amount of student participation in classes because it boosts the quality of their lecture and course and helps them manage their course.
Instructor interface
The instructor interface starts from index.html
which has the courses listing. From here he/she can go to previous lectures of given course and add new lectures. Upon adding a new lecture they, they can receive questions from student users who use the student interface. Also, one can review and keep track of the data from previous lectures through the review page.
Each page has its own javascript file which contains the all of the interactions. The scripts folder contains these files, which are named in a similar way to their corresponding html files.
Student interface
This interface has two parts: the login page for logging in and an index page for the student to be able to ask questions in the active lecture. These two have their corresponding js files in the scripts folder. Login page: student_login.html -> Question sending page: student_index.html