
making my own api with node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


making my own api with node.js


math operations

functionality for: add, subtract, multiply, divide, square

localhost:4000/math/ (operator type) / (num1) / (num2)/ (num3) etc.

Example: localhost:4000/math/add/23/345/-29847

output: -29847


input an encoded sentence after localhost:4000/sentence/ returns a stringified object with a count of letters, spaces, and words

Example: http://localhost:4000/sentence/this%20is%20a%20sentence

output: { letters: 15, spaces: 3, words: 4 }


input a MD5 hash of someone's email address and receive a link to view her gravatar

Example: http://localhost:4000/gravatar/paigebolduc@gmail.com

output: http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a282a242ba59cadd187145d54aa2f306