
Home Assistant custom sensor for De Lijn public transport (Flanders, Belgium)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This code can be used to add a custom sensor for De Lijn public transport of Flanders (Belgium) to Home Assistant.

Note: the idea is to eventually add this to the code of Home Assistant itself


Name Type Requirement Description
platform string Required delijn
sub_key string Required The subscription key generated in a developer account at data.delijn.be.
nextpassages object Required List of stops to display next passages of.

nextpassages object

Name Type Requirement Description
stop_id string Required Stop Id to retrieve the next passages of. These can be found by searching a stop here (https://www.delijn.be/en/haltes/). After the search the 6 digit numerical code can be found in the URL. Ie. 200552 in case the URL is https://www.delijn.be/en/haltes/halte/200552/Gent_Korenmarkt_perron_2.
max_passages number Optional Set a maximum number of passages to return in the sensor (maximum is 20 by default).


Step 1

Install delijn-sensor by copying delijn.py from this repo to <config directory>/custom_components/sensor/delijn.py of your Home Assistant instance.


wget https://github.com/bollewolle/delijn-sensor/raw/master/delijn.py
mv delijn.py ~/.homeassistant//custom_components/sensor/

Step 2

Set up the De Lijn custom sensor.


  - platform: delijn
    sub_key: '<put your data.delijn.be subscriptionkey here>'
    - stop_id: '200552'
      max_passages: 10
    - stop_id: '201169'
      max_passages: 5

Note: replace with the subscription key you generated with you data.delijn.be developer account.


Thanks to the codes of RMV and Ruter Public Transport for all the initial work and inspiration.