
Helps to parse WordPress actions, filter, etc and autoformat into Markdown document.

Primary LanguagePHP

It helps to parse WordPress hooks & generate automatic Markdown documentation for them.


We are using phpdoc-parser for parsing code only.

First thing first - follow installation instructions in their repository.

About phpdoc-parser:

By default phpdoc-parser library parses your code & saves code reference in your database, so it can be served as API. This library serves a bit different purpose. It allows you to generate Markdown document with all hooks from the directory you provided.


You can clone this repository for example in wp-content/plugins/wordpress-hook-parser.

Though it is not a plugin, it is recommended to put it there, because phpdoc-parser should be placed in this location. This way it would be easier to require dependencies where you need it.

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/bologer/WordPress-Hook-Parser.git wordpress-hook-parser
cd wordpress-hook-parser

Prepare composer:

composer dump-autoload



// Include this library
include __DIR__ . '/../../wordpress-hook-parser/vendor/autoload.php';
// Include parser library
include __DIR__ . '/../../phpdoc-parser/vendor/autoload.php';

$hooksParser = new Bologer\HooksParser( [
	'scanDirectory'     => '/absolute/path/to/your/directory',
	'ignoreDirectories' => [
] );

$parsedItems = $hooksParser->parse();

$hooksDocumentation = new Bologer\HookDocumentation( $parsedItems );
$hooksDocumentation->setSaveLocation( '/absolute/path/where/to/store/hooks.md' );


See this file as an example of what is going to be generated.

Change Markdown Template

You may use Bologer\HookDocumentation for this purpose.

For example:


class MyHookDocumentation extends Bologer\HookDocumentation {
     * This is method which you can override to change template generation.
    protected function generateSingleHook( $hook ) {
        // Generate your own format.