
A code coverage tool for C#

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

NET Cover

Build Status


This project aims to develop a cross-platform code coverage tool for .NET languages (starting with C#) that would generate coverage reports in different formats (starting with LCOV) compatible with different coverage reporting services.

As at now, it works with MSBuild generated PDB files and workis going on in ernest to make it compatible with XBuild generated MDB files.

This work is a derivative created by Sergiy Sakharov, for his original work visit https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/41722/Building-NET-Coverage-Tool


coverage.exe {<AssemblyPaths>} [{-[<FilterType>:]NameFilter}] [<commands>[<commandArgs>]]

AssemblyPaths - file system masks for DLL/EXE files, i.e.: "C:\Temp\Libs\NHibernate* C:\Temp\NInject\NInject.Core*"

Filter Types:

f: - exclude files by name

s: - exclude assemblies by name (This could be useful if strong name for some assembly should be weakened, however, coverage report is redundant for it)

t: - exclude types by full name

m: - exclude methods by full name

a: or nothing - exclude members by their custom attribute names


/r - If this command is selected - instrumented assemblies replace existing ones. Old assemblies are backed up along with corresponding pdb files

/x - Path to a coverage XML file