
Day 9 of Advent of Haskell - Denotational Design

Advent of Haskell

Hey, everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I hope you will learn something today and have a happy Christmas!

I just want to begin by saying a few things about what inspired me to write this post. I have always been curious to understand the meaning of things, and I always find myself noticing a lot of patterns and connections to mathematics in the computer engineering/science world. Being a passionate functional programmer, I was able to experience this evidence more clearly, but I feel like most people do not respect nor value these patterns.

I became increasingly concerned about program correctness and specification, and what tools/methods were there to help one construct reliable/correct software. Among several, the most recent one I contacted was Denotational Design (DD), which is precisely the main theme of this blog post. When I first learned about DD, even though I saw a huge potential in it, I didn't quite understand it, and I took a lot of time and reading to process it all. Conal Elliott, the author of this method, was very kind and patient, and answered a lot of my questions, which I have included in this article. Having said that, I think it's hard for people to understand why you should care about things that Denotational Design cares about, and even if you do understand, I find it hard to absorb all that this method has to offer.

There are not a lot of Denotational Design resources available, from which to read and learn on your own, and it may make you wonder if the method is really that relevant. However, a lot of people I admire, respect and look up to, understand its importance and are, in certain respects, influenced by its ideas. Apart from the original paper, one of the few resources is Sandy Maguire's latest book, which I highly recommend if you enjoy this blog post. As you will see, in the end of this post I present a collection of several other resources about DD, so stick until the end!

In view of this, in the hope of reaching more people on one of the topics that I consider very important for every computer engineer/scientist to bear in mind, I decided to write this blog post, which gives a very simple introduction to Denotational Design in a kind of Q&A format. Let's hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Denotational Design, developed by Conal Elliott, is an abstract and rigorous design method, that forces the programmer to really understand the nature of his problem domain, stepping back and design the meaning of abstraction before implementing it. If the programmer is not able to correctly describe his abstraction to the machine, he will introduce bugs, i.e. a leaky abstraction. Denotational Design therefore gives us the ability to look at the designs and clearly ask whether or not they are correct.

There are a lot of different programming languages available, each unique to its paradigm. While it is possible to apply this method when using whatever language you choose, purely functional programming languages are those that will be more suitable. "Why?", you may wonder. Because, as you will see, if you want to be rigorous, meaningful and correct, you need to go through math, and math is pure and functional. So, by creating abstractions using a purely functional programming language, you can be very close to the actual specification. Finally, if you have a compiler that can guide you through the design, pointing out the correct path of what you're trying to build, you'll be far more confident, productive and successful.

With that being said, this post will be a very simple introduction to the Denotational Design method, using Haskell. Hopefully, you can understand the motivation for this kind of methodologies, as well as why it is important to care about the meaning of programs in order to build non-leaky abstractions.


Abstraction leaks are at the very heart of a wrong decision and design. What's an abstraction leak?

A: Let's use an example outside Computer Science:

For drivers, cars have abstractions. In its purest form, there is the steering wheel, the accelerator and the brake. This abstraction hides a lot of information about what's beneath the hood: engine, cams, timing belt, spark plugs, radiator, etc. The good thing about this abstraction is that we can substitute parts of the implementation with better parts without retraining the user. These adjustments improve performance, but the user keeps steering with the steering wheel and uses the pedals to start and stop. But there are leaks: in an automatic transmission, you can feel that the car loses power for a moment when the gears are switched; if the engine block is too cold, the car may not start or it may have poor performance, etc.

A useful abstraction is one that gives us an understanding of the world that we accept as real. An outstanding abstraction is one that never reminds you of its falsehood. A useful abstraction profoundly changes the way you think and behave.

So, an abstraction leaks when you still have to deal with details that are not part of the abstraction. That can arise when the implementation can't really conform to abstraction, or when the abstraction exposes too little details and you still have to work with the implementation specific details to make your program work.

In software having leaky abstractions is so common that in 2002 Joel Spolsky coined the "Law of Leaky Abstractions" that states: "All non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky." In his article Joel says that the law

means that whenever somebody comes up with a wizzy new code-generation tool that is supposed to make us all ever-so-efficient, you hear a lot of people saying "learn how to do it manually first, then use the wizzy tool to save time." Code generation tools which pretend to abstract out something, like all abstractions, leak, and the only way to deal with the leaks competently is to learn about how the abstractions work and what they are abstracting. So the abstractions save us time working, but they don’t save us time learning.

This last sentence summarizes what to learn about this law and helps understanding the scope of this presentation. Paradoxically, although we have higher and higher level programming tools with increasingly better abstractions, becoming a proficient programmer is getting harder and harder. Producing non-leaky abstractions is possible if we are rigorous and our starting point is not by itself leaky. Math is all about abstraction, and it sure isn't leaky. This post aims to show how one is capable of producing non-leaky abstractions in software, by finding their meaning in math and then formulating (a) a representation that focuses on performance and (b) operations on that representation specified (not implemented) by a denotation function that requires that function to be homomorphic over the designed API.


Data types have a central role in structuring our programs, whether checked statically or dynamically. Adding data abstraction gives us a clean separation between a type's interface and its implementation. Therefore, the ideal abstraction is as simple as possible, revealing everything the user needs while hiding everything else (such as implementation details). Purely functional programming languages allow the programmer to reason about code in a much more straightforward (yet correct) way than do imperative programming languages, shifting the focus from how to what to do. Through purity and referential transparency, the programmer is able to derive and calculate proofs and efficient programs. If aided by strong static type systems, the programmer, can discharge a lot of correctness verifications to the compiler. These are the main strengths of using a functional programming language, like Haskell, when writing software, i.e., abstraction. If you are familiar with functional programming and understand its value, you also understand that even with all these features it is hard to design an interface that suits both the user and implementor without some experience or, at least, notions of best practice. In the upcoming sections we will see how the Denotational Design method ultimately leads to data abstraction/interface that connects implementors and users, while still serving the distinct needs of each.

Homomorphism Principle

Type classes provide a mechanism for varied implementations of standard interfaces. Many of these interfaces are founded in mathematical tradition, thus having regularity not only of types but also of properties (laws) that must hold. Type classes in Haskell are known for having certain (implicit) laws that need to hold, such as the Functor or Monad type classes. Haskellers rely on instances of these classes to abide by such laws in order to reason and write code.

The main value of laws in algebraic abstractions (“classes” in Haskell) is that they enable correct, modular reasoning, in the sense that one can state, prove, and assume properties of many different types at once. On another note, dependently typed functional programming languages take these laws more seriously and hence achieve better dependability. This is something that you don't see often in other languages or communities, and it may be the reason why functional programmers are thought of producing more reliable abstractions.

The Denotational Design paper, advocates the Type Class Morphisms (TCM) principle, which we will call the Homomorphism Principle (HP) during this article. The idea is basically that, for a given type class, the instances meaning follows the meaning's instance. This principle determines the required meaning of each type class instance, thus defining the correctness of the implementation

Denotational Design

On the previous section I said that the Denotational Design method ultimately leads to an interface that is able to connect implementors and users, while still serving the distinct needs of each.

  • What kind of thing is an interface that can connect implementors and users while still serving the distinct needs of each?

    A: Part of the answer is something that we can call "form" (which we can essentially understand as an API) which consists in the collection of data type names and operations that work on them. For example the interface of a finite map can be the following:

  abstract type Map :: * -> * -> *

    empty :: (...) => Map k v
    insert :: (...) => k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
    lookup :: (Eq k, ...) => Map k v -> k -> Maybe v

By itself the interface fails to serve the needs of the implementor and end-user. Although it hides implementation details it fails to reveal a suitable substitute. More concretely:

  • Implementations reveal too much information to the user. Signatures ("forms") reveal too little;
  • An interface is form without essence;
  • The end-users care about the meaning of the names of the operations.

In the example of the Map, nothing distinguishes that interface from another, besides syntactically:

  abstract type Shoe :: * -> * -> *

    shoe :: (...) => Shoe a b
    littleShoe :: (...) => a -> b -> Shoe a b -> Shoe a b
    bigShoe :: (Eq a, ...) => Shoe a b -> a -> Maybe b
  • What do we mean by "mean"? How can we give meaning/essence to our "form"?

    A: Denotational Semantics is an answer. The meaning of a data type is a mathematical object (Set, function, number, etc.). And the meaning of each operation is defined as the function that takes the meaning of its inputs to the meaning of its outputs.

    For our Map example, its meaning could be a partial function from k to v. In this model, empty is the completely undefined function, insert extends the partial function and lookup is just function application.

    If we give the same meaning to the Shoe data type we can understand that the two distinct "forms" have the same essence, so we could replace one with the other.

In HP, type classes are meant to provide not only the "form" but also part of the essence of an interface's instance. This means that, for example, the Monoid type class, defines the mempty and mappend operations and those operations need to satisfy the Monoid type class laws. So, what about the rest of the meaning of a type class instance?

A: The rest of the meaning can be achieved by following the principle "the instance's meaning follows the meaning's instance". In other words, the denotation is homomorphic. In other words, the meaning of each operation application is given by the application of the same operation to the meaning of the arguments, i.e. a type class morphism, preserving the class structure.

For the Monoid instance of the finite map type, the HP tells us that the meaning of mempty on Maps must be the meaning of mempty for partial functions, and the meaning of mappend of two Maps, must be the meaning of mappend for the partial functions denoted by those Maps. Of course that, to use this principle, we need to know what mempty and mappend mean for partial functions. On an unfortunate note, it happens that mappend isn't quite compatible with the suggested denotation, which leads us to the following conclusion:

  • Sometimes the HP property fails, and when it does, examination of the failure leads to a simpler and more compelling design for which the principle holds. Denotational Design by itself isn't able to tell us if it is the denotation that's wrong or if it is the design/"form" that's at fault. But we should be thankfull however that we are able to notice our unfortunate choices!

Homomorphisms are the key insight for the HP. A homomorphism is a map between two structures of the same type, that preserves the operations of the structures. Roughly, it has this shape/pattern, depending on a given map f and operation opN:

f (a `op1` b) = f a `op1` f b
f (s `op2` v) = s `op2` f v

Type class morphisms or homomorphisms specify what correctness of implementation means. If the homomorphism properties hold, then the implementation behaves like the semantics. Therefore, users of a library can think of your implementation as if it were the semantics (even though the implementation might be quite different), i.e. no abstraction leaks. Basically, this means that if we follow homomorpism specification, the mental model used by the end-users can be expected to always hold.

That's the main ingredient for the HP and adopting it might require additional up-front effort in clarity of thinking, however the reward is that the resulting designs are simple and general, and sometimes have the feel of profound inevitability.

Stack Example


⟦ · ⟧ is the denotation function. So, in the light of the previous section, you can see how the denotation function relates to the Map data type, as well as to its "form":

  • ⟦ · ⟧ :: Map k v -> (k -> v)
  • ⟦ empty ⟧ = ⊥
  • ⟦ insert k v m ⟧ = \k' -> if k == k' then v else ⟦ m ⟧ k'
  • ⟦ lookup k m ⟧ = ⟦ m ⟧ k

Denotation homomorpism (in pseudo Haskell):

-- semantic
instance Monoid v => Monoid (Map k v) where
   mempty  = mempty
   ma `mappend` mb  =  ma  `mappend`  mb 


In order to be able to write a library that allows the end-user to create and manipulate stacks, the implementor needs to fully understand what a stack is and what types of operations that work on stacks make sense. Since stacks and their operations are common knowledge amongst programmers, let's just dive write into the "form" or API:

abstract type Stack :: * -> *

empty :: (...) => Stack a
push  :: (...) => a -> Stack a -> Stack a
pop   :: (...) => Stack a -> (a, Stack a)

Now, what is the essence of our "form"? What's the meaning of a Stack data type as well as its operations? One could think "A stack is a linked list!" or "A stack is a LIFO queue!", but what is a list or a queue? What's the meaning of those structures, how can we capture their essence? We quickly realise that we are not sure how to answer these questions, and that we do not know what is the essence of a stack.

Note that we could argue that a list is just a programming language primitive, such as Array, Vector or [], and that is fine. However, those solutions seem tainted with details that are not specific to the domain in question, namely implementation details.

Understanding the problem at hand is the most important and harder part of designing a software. How can one expect to be able to come up with a correct implementation whilst, at the same time, offering a nice non-leaky abstraction to the end-user, without having full comprehension of the problem domain? Again, this is the most important and harder part of a Software Engineer's job: understanding the problems so well that you can explain them to uncomprehending computer machines.

I argue that the simple essence of a Stack can be captured by the partial function that maps natural numbers to elements in the stack:

 .  :: Stack a -> (Nat -> a)

The intuition behind this is that (Nat -> a) only captures the essence of what I think makes a stack: a map between natural numbers (positions in the stack) and elements in the stack. Given this, we have the following denotation on the operations:

  • ⟦ empty ⟧ = ⊥
  • ⟦ push a s ⟧ = \n -> if n == 0 then a else ⟦ s ⟧ (n - 1)
  • ⟦ pop s ⟧ = (⟦ s ⟧ 0, \n -> ⟦ s ⟧ (n + 1))

Please note that there will possibly be some potential for change in this denotation, so please do not be too hung up on this suggestion. The main thing I want you to take away is that the more time you spend trying to understand the problem, the better a suitable denotation you can come up with!

Type classes

Type classes provide a handy way to package up parts of an interface via a standard vocabulary. Typically, a type class also has an associated collection of rules that must be satisfied by instances of the class. In Haskell it is convenient if you give additional operations on your data type such as the ones needed for Functor or Applicative. By doing so, you not only discover extra structure for your data type, allowing you to validate that the denotation you picked is indeed a good one, but also enrich your library with more power and expressibility. Specially in Haskell a lot of type classes encapsulate ubiquous patterns which translate to exceptionally well-studied mathematical objects, such as Monoids, Lattices, etc. By recognizing these universal algebras in our designs, we will end up with more powerful abstractions.


With that being said, it would be useful to make our Stack an instance of Functor, since it's a nice thing to offer to the end-user. By using the HP we can see what it means for a Stack to be a Functor, since the homomorpism properties must hold:

-- semantic
instance Functor Stack where
   fmap f s  = fmap f  s 

This means that fmapping a Stack can be understood as fmaping the partial function which denotes it. In other words fmap f applies f to every element in the stack.

Now, Functor as 2 laws that need to hold:

  • Identity: fmap id = id
  • Composition: fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g

Let's see how the laws hold:

-- semantic
instance Functor Stack where
   fmap f s  = \n -> f ( s  n)
                 -- = f . ⟦ s ⟧

-- Laws:
-- ⟦ fmap id s ⟧       =
-- \n -> id (⟦ s ⟧ n)  =
-- \n -> ⟦ s ⟧ n       =
-- ⟦ s ⟧

-- ⟦ fmap (f . g) s ⟧          =
-- \n -> (f . g) (⟦ s ⟧ n)     =
-- \n -> f (g (⟦ s ⟧ n))       =
-- \n -> f ⟦ fmap g s ⟧ n      =
-- \n -> ⟦ fmap f (fmap g) ⟧ n =
-- ⟦ fmap f . fmap g ⟧

We could just give a sensible definition for fmap first and then see if the laws would hold. Quickly we'd realise that the Functor instance definition for functions is just function composition (.) and, indeed our Functor definition for Stack is a Functor homomorpism!


Let's simplify our denotation and make the partiality explicit in the types. This way we'll avoid having error exceptions in our runnable specification, and type safety is always good to have!

abstract type Stack :: * -> *

empty :: (...) => Stack a
push  :: (...) => a -> Stack a -> Stack a
pop   :: (...) => Stack a -> (Maybe a, Stack a)

 .  :: Stack a -> (Nat -> Maybe a)

 empty     = const Nothing
 push a s  = n -> if n == 0 then Just a else  s  (n - 1)
 pop s     = ( s  0, (\n ->  s  (n + 1)))

This change requires us to revisit our Functor instance:

instance Functor Stack where
  fmap f s = \n -> fmap f (s n)
        -- = fmap f . s

This is not a Functor morphism! This failure looks like bad news. Must we abandon the HP, or does the failure point us to a new, and possibly better, model for Stack? The rewritten semantic instances above do not make use of any properties of Stack other than being a composition of two functors for the Functor instance. So let’s generalize:

 .  :: Stack a -> (Compose ((->) Nat) Maybe a)

It may look like we’ve just moved complexity around, rather than eliminating it. However, type composition is a very reusable notion, which is why it was already defined, along with supporting proofs, that the Functor laws hold.

Calculating an implementation

Deriving Type Class Instances

Let's talk about efficient implementations/representations of a Stack. Until now all we've done was to specify the precise denotation that characterises a Stack, which was a partial map from the positions on the stack and the respective elements. Given this semantics, we actually coded a runnable specification of it, applying the HP along the way in order to further polish our abstraction and making sure it does not leak.

There might be cases where the runnable specification suits our needs, performance wise, however there might be cases where it does not. In those cases it helps to be able to calculate a more efficient representation without accidentaly introducing an abstraction leak. For that effect, imagine we have the following type class:

class IsStack s where
  -- mu = ⟦ . ⟧
  mu :: s a -> Stack a
  -- mu' = ⟦ . ⟧⁻¹
  mu'  :: Stack a -> s a

  -- mu' . mu = id

mu is our ⟦ . ⟧ semantic function and mu' is it's inverse.

Now, consider the Functor morphism property:

mu (fmap f s) = fmap f (mu s)

Because mu . mu' = id, the property is satisfied if:

mu' (mu (fmap f s)) = mu' (fmap f (mu s))

And because mu' . mu = id:

fmap f s = mu' (fmap f (mu s))

And, by construction, mu is a Functor morphism. Assuming the class laws hold for s, they hold as well for Stack.

If mu and mu' have implementations, then we can stop here. Otherwise, if we want to optimize the implementation, we can do some more work, to rewrite the synthesized definitions.

List example

When trying to come up with the essence of a Stack we mentioned lists. Let's assume that for whatever reason (I didn't performed any benchmarks) using lists is more efficient. Then:

instance IsStack [] where
  mu [] = empty
  mu (h : t) = push h (mu t)

  mu' (S (Compose s)) = aux s 0
    aux fn n = case fn n of
      Nothing -> []
      Just a  -> a : aux fn (n + 1)

Now, the equation:

fmap f s = mu' (fmap f (mu s)) simplifies:

-- [ a ] always "Just" values.

-- fmap f s = mu' (fmap f (mu s))
-- mu' (fmap f (mu s)) ==
-- < case splitting >
-- == { mu' (fmap f (mu []))
--    { mu' (fmap f (mu (h : t)))
-- < def - mu >
-- == { mu' (fmap f empty) }
--    { mu' (fmap f (push h (mu t)))
-- < def - Stack fmap x2; def - push x2 >
-- == { mu' (const Nothing) }
--    { mu' (push (f h) (fmap f (mu t))) }
-- < always returning nothing = always returning empty list; def - mu' for Just values >
-- == { [] }
--    { f h : mu' (fmap f (mu t)) }
-- < Stack fmap - homomorphism >
-- == { [] }
--    { f h : mu' (mu (fmap f t)) }
-- < mu' . mu == id >
-- == { [] }
--    { f h : fmap f t }

-- Result:
-- fmap f []    = []
-- fmap f (h:t) = f h : fmap f t

Exercise: Calculate implementations for push and pop.

Author's personal insight

It all comes down to knowing whatever you're going to build/design. Software developers have come a long way in writing programs without this approach, simply by having a combination of truly knowing the issue at hand and having the necessary knowledge and experience about how to communicate their understanding to the computer, through a programming language. While the HP doesn't seem to be as practical, it requires a great deal of effort up-front and it gives beautiful results.

I'm not an advocate that software engineering is an art and that writing code should be thought of as being written under some sort of romantic inspiration. For me, Software engineering should be all about method, precision and correctness, just like every other engineering. However, I know that there is a lot of flexibility, style and taste required to design programs, also just like any other engineering. With software, I think we should be original and imaginative when we come up with various abstractions, and there's definitely no science to come up with a fine, simple denotation. But once we have one, concentrating on compositionality, formal properties and precision would significantly improve the quality and reliability of our product.

Then again, it's all about knowing the problem in question, coming up with a meaningful denotation and relying on a rigorous method, such as DD, to guide you in the search for the essence of what you're trying to do.

Insight Conal

  • By cleanly separating programming interface and specification from implementation, connecting the two by semantic homomorpism, one can achieve very elegant, generic, simple and performant implementations.

  • A goal of the Denotational Specification is to remove all operational/implementation bias and get to the essential and elegant mathematical ideas. Then formulate a representation that focuses on performance and operations on that representation specified in a straightforward and regular way by a denotation function that requires that that function to be homomorphic over the API/vocabulary. This is what software/hardware design and implementation is all about.

  • Software design is the posing of tasteful algebra problems; and software implementation is the correct solution of those problem.

  • Software developers mostly lack these fundamental principles and so cannot distinguish fundamental choices from inevitable consequences.

  • The sort of tension between model simplicity and expressiveness has been a source of deep insights for me. The denotational design discipline brings these tensions to the surface for examination. While lack of this discipline allows them to continue to be left unquestioned, I count on raising this tension to help determine whether I’m right or wrong here. Most of what people accept in programming is just bad taste left unquestioned and with very expensive consequences.

  • If you pick a bad denotation, you’ll get bad results. A good denotation is one that captures the essence of an idea (“a problem domain” in software design lingo) simply, precisely, and generally. It clarifies our thinking about the domain, even before we’ve tried to relate it to representations and implementations. Any operational bias will interfere with these goals. By “bad results” I mean weak insight, complex implementation proofs and calculations, limited flexibility, and limited capability.

  • Without the denotational discipline, we don't even have the mental lens through which to notice unfortunate choices. One cannot even see the missed target and so cannot improve one's aim.

Q&A Conal

  • The homomorphism requirement is just so that we do not build leaky abstractions, right?

    A: I wouldn’t say “just” here. The homomorphism requirement is the specification, so it’s there to define your intent and thus to establish what correctness of implementation means (faithfulness to the specification). If homomorphism properties hold, then the implementation behaves like the semantics, so users of your library can think of your implementation as if it were the semantics (even though the implementation might be quite different), i.e., no abstraction leak.

  • Should we stick only to one denotational semantic or can we have other when convenient?

    A: There may be exceptions to having just a single denotation, but if we do, all conversations will have to become much more explicit about which denotation.

    We can, and should, however consider several representations all explained in terms of the single denotation. And then we have a rigorous, common basis for comparison.

  • What if we lack the knowledge about what denotation to use? Or use the "wrong" denotation.

    A: Then we cannot design a good API and know what it means to correctly implement it. Denotation is the one overwhelmingly important creative choice. It takes good taste and what my math profs refer to as “mathematical maturity”.

    A good denotational model is optimized for precise simplicity, stripped of any implementation/efficiency (or even computability) bias.

  • How would you approach a problem for which you weren't sure what denotation would be best?

    A: First, if I don’t know of a denotation, then I don’t understand the thing I’m trying to program. One cannot program well without understanding. It’s like engineering without science or physics without math. So, what I do is contemplate and study. Fortunately, good denotations are much simpler than good implementations and more enlightening.

  • What distinguishes a good denotation from a "bad" one?

    A: I compare them using some basic criteria: The denotation must be precise, and adequate for what I want to express (but usually not the way I or others have been taught to express it).

  • Why care about type class morphisms?

    A: I want my library’s users to think of behaviors and future values as being their semantic models. Why? Because these denotational models are simple and precise and have simple and useful formal properties. Those properties allow library users to program with confidence, and allow library providers to make radical changes in representation and implementation (even from demand-driven to data-driven) without breaking client programs.

Finishing words

Thank you very much for your attention, I hope this blog post was enjoyable to you! Most importantly, I hope it described the topic of Denotational Design in a simple and intuitive manner. All feedback is welcome as I plan to keep polishing this article and write more about the intersection of denotational and formal methods. In the last section I have a collection of references and resources about the topic which I recommend having a look, if it peaked your interest!

Lastly, I just want to thank to the people that are organizing Advent of Haskell for the spotlight and to the people that took their time to read and review this blog post, in particular to Conal Elliott.

References & Resources

In this section I gathered a lot of resources and references that I used to write this post. I hope this can be seen as a contribution for newcomers that just heard about DD for the first time! It has a lot of discussion on wether this method is good or not so you can make your own choice! Thank you once again for your attention!