
Third time's the charm.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

* Tree-sitter parser for Norg syntax

** How to try it in Neovim

   You should manually bulid & register the parser to neovim.

   @code sh
   pnpm install
   pnpm build

   @code vim
   :source register.lua
   " or you can paste the content of `init.lua` in your config.
   " you don't need nvim-treesitter to run this snippet

   > You should disable [neorg]{https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg} plugin and
     uninstall existing norg parser to avoid conflict.
   > Expect plugins like [headlines.nvim], [nvim-treesitter-context] breaks
     when using this parser. It's not compatible with v1 parser's queries.
