
# Title Solution Runtime
22 Generate Parentheses Java
31 Next Permutation Java 1 ms
42 Trapping Rain Water Java 1 ms
46 Permutations Java 2 ms
47 Permutations II Java 1 ms
56 Merge Intervals Java 5 ms
93 Restore IP Addresses Java 11 ms
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Java 1 ms
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Java 1 ms
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Java 6 ms
146 LRU Cache Java 12 ms
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Java 5 ms
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Java 0 ms
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Java 1 ms
200 Number of Islands Java 1 ms
220 Contains Duplicate III Java 16 ms
238 Product of Array Except Self Java 1 ms
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Java 383 ms
435 Non-overlapping Intervals Java 2 ms
529 Minesweeper Java 1 ms
767 Reorganize String Java 17 ms
993 Cousins in Binary Tree Java 0 ms
1415 The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n Java 62 ms
1561 Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Java 40 ms