In this project, we build an unsupervised system to capture dominating user behaviors from clickstream data (traces of users’ click events), and visualize the detected behaviors in an intuitive manner.
Our system identifies "clusters" of similar users by partitioning a similarity graph (nodes are users; edges are weighted by clickstream similarity).
The partitioning process leverages iterative feature pruning to capture the natural hierarchy within user clusters and produce intuitive features for visualizing and understanding captured user behaviors.
This script is used to perform user behavior clustering. Users are put into a hierarchy of clusters, each identified by a list of behavior patterns.
Python library numpy
, scipy
is required.
The main file of this script is
There are two ways of executing the script, through the command line interface or through python import.
$> python input.txt output/ 0.05
inputPath: specify the path to a files that contains information for the users to be clustered. Each line is represent a user.
user_id \t A(1)G(10)
Where the A
and G
are actions and 1
and 10
are the frequencies of each action. The user_id
grows from 1 to the total number of users.
outputPath: The directory to place all temporary files as well as the final result.
sizeThreshold (optional): Defines the minimum size of the cluster, that we are going to further divide.
means clusters containing less than 5% of the total instances is not going to be further splitted.
import recursiveHierarchicalClustering as rhc
data = rhc.getSidNgramMap(inputPath)
matrixPath = '%smatrix.dat' % inputPath
treeData = rhc.runDiana(outputPath, data, matrixPath)
Here treeData is the resulting cluster tree. Same as output/result.json
if ran through CLI.
output/matrix.dat: A distance matrix for the root level is stored to avoid repeated calculation. If the file is available, the scirpt will read in the matrix instead of calculating it again. The file format is a N*N distance matrix scaled to integer in the range of (0-100).
output/result.json: Stores the clustering result, in the form of ['t', sub-cluster list, cluster info]
or ['l', user list, cluster info]
- Node type: node type can be either
means leaf which means the cluster is not further split.t
means tree meaning there are further splitting for the given cluster. - Sub-cluster list: a list of clusters that is the resulting clusters derived from splitting the current cluster.
- User list: a list of user ids representing the users in the given cluster.
- Cluster info: a dictionary containing meta data for the cluster.
- gini: gini-coefficient for chi-square score value distribution, measures the skewness of feature importance distribution.
- sweetspot: the modularity for the best
we picked when further splitting this cluster. - exlusions: a list of top features (ranked) that helps to distinguish the cluster from others.
- exclusionsScore: the chi-square scores correspond to the top features listed in exclusions.
This script is designed to be distributed on multiple machines with shared file system. However, it is also be configured to run locally.
The configuration is stored in server.json
in the following format:
"threadNum": 5,
"minPerSlice": 1000,
["", ""]
- threadNum specifies how many threads can be ran on each server.
- minPerSlice specifies the minimum number of users each thread should handle.
- server specifies the server to be used for matrix computation task. If you want to run it locally, specify it as
Along with the clustering, we also developed a visulization tool based on D3.js in order to inspect the content of the resulting clusters.
To generate a json file readable by D3.js
, you can run the following bash command:
$> python result.json input.txt vis/vis.json
result.json is the output file of the recursive hierarchical clustering.
intput.txt is the path to a files that contains information for the users to be clustered. Each line is represent a user.
vis.json is the path to the final output.
To properly display the visulization, you need to set up a web server under folder vis
$> python -m SimpleHTTPServer
And then by visiting http://localhost:8000/multi_color.html?json=vis.json
you will be able to look at the visulization for vis.json
A faster version is also available making better use of numpy
's support for
matrix computation.
This requires additional package of sklearn
The main file of the faster implementation is
There are two ways of executing the script, through the command line interface or through python import.
$> python input.txt output/ 0.05
import recursiveHierarchicalClustering as rhc
import recursiveHierarchicalClusteringFast as rhcFast
data = rhc.getSidNgramMap(inputPath)
treeData = rhcFast.runDiana(inputPath, data, outPath)
Here treeData is the resulting cluster tree. Same as output/result.json
if ran through CLI.
Gang Wang, Xinyi Zhang, Shiliang Tang, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao. Unsupervised Clickstream Clustering for User Behavior Analysis. Proceedings of SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), San Jose, CA, May 2016.