
API to gather trailer URLs from a movie resource link

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trailers API


This API is written in Node.js 14 and intends to bring trailer URLs from a viaplay movie resource URL like this:


It Redis for caching and so it's needed to properly configure the database URL before running it.

export REDIS_URL=<my_redis_url> # redis URL
export REDIS_TTL=<time_to_live> # time cache will live (in secs)

Movie details are brought from TMDB and a key is necessary to authenticate their API.

export TMDB_API_KEY=<api_key>

npm was used as package manager and to install dependencies and run the application, follow commands below:

npm install
npm start


This piece of software was designed to run in a docker container.

# builds the docker image
docker-compose build

# runs redis and the application
docker-compose up -d

Load balancer

A simple load balancer is used in order to extend the application performance and scalability.

After running the docker-compose up -d command, it's possible to scale the application by using the command bellow:

docker-compose scale trailers-api=N

Where "N" is the number of the application instances that will be deployed.

Test the API

To test the API, use curl:

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' \

Use port 8080 for applications running in containers and 3000 for application running locally.

App should return a JSON body with a list of trailer URLs like this:


Performance tests

To measure the performance of the application, it was used Locust, that's a Python loadtesting tool.

cd tests

pipenv install

locust -f perftest.py -L INFO \
       --csv=report --only-summary --headless \
       -u <num of users> -r <spawn time> -t <test time>

To improve performance, better creating a cluster of at least 5 application containers.

docker-compose scale trailers-api=4

What else was needed?

  • Unit tests for the software parts (I'd have used mocha)
  • CI/CD script to deploy the application (I'd have used CircleCI or Travis CI)
  • Linter to keep the code quality high (I'd have used ESLint)
  • IaC (Infrastructure as Code) with CloudFormation or Terraform

Credits and license

Software designed and written by Alexandre Bolzon as part of the interview process for NENT Group.

Code in this repository should not be copied nor reproduced, partially or totally, without express authorization from the author.