
MASA, child theme for Genesis Framework

Primary LanguageCSS

Masa Theme

Github project link: https://github.com/fasterwp/masa/

Theme Support

Please visit https://fasterwp.com/contact/ for theme support.

Installation Instructions

Install Genesis Framework

Install and activate Masa child theme (masa.zip)

  1. Upload the Genesis Sample theme folder via FTP to your wp-content/themes/ directory. (The Genesis parent theme needs to be in the wp-content/themes/ directory as well.)
  2. Go to your WordPress dashboard and select Appearance.
  3. Activate the Masa theme.
  4. Inside your WordPress dashboard, go to Genesis > Theme Settings and configure theme to your liking.

Install and activate recommended plugins

  • Genesis eNews Extended
  • Genesis Simple Edits
  • Ninja Forms
  • AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
  • Genesis Columns Advanced
  • Genesis Simple FAQ
  • Genesis Testimonial Slider
  • Widget Importer & Exporter
  • Simple Social Icons

Import demo content

You can find the demo content in the /xml folder (file name masa-demo-content.xml). Inside your WordPress dashboard, go to Tools > Import, install WordPress Importer if necessary and run the importer.

If you installed and activated the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin go to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter, select the masa-widgets.wie file from the /xml folder and Import widgets.

Setup Genesis, widgets & all

Inside your WordPress dashboard, go to Genesis > Theme Settings and configure to your liking. Inside your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Widgets and configure to your liking. Inside your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Customizer and configure to your liking.