This peace of Software mainly helps to interprete several kinds of descriptionformats for can-communication. Some of these formats can be written also. There is some german Documentation at
As a sideeffect, this software helps to convert between can-matrix-description formats.
Therefor this software includes a "Python Can Matrix Object" which describes the Can-Communication (Boardunits, Frames, Signals, Values, ...)
There are some import- and some export-functions for this object.
Import-File-Formats: .dbc (candb / Vector) .dbf (Busmaster) .kcd (kayak) .arxml (autosar) .xls (xls-import is missing byteorder-information in usual .xls-can-matrixes, works with .xls-file generated by canmatrix-converter)
Export-File-Formats: .dbc .dbf .kcd .xls .json .arxml (very basic implementation)
Thus Currently partly working (x = validated):
convert .dbc -> .kcd x
convert .dbc -> .dbf x
convert .dbc -> .xls x
convert .dbc -> .json x
convert .dbf -> .kcd
convert .dbf -> .dbf
convert .dbf -> .kcd
convert .dbf -> .xls
convert .kcd -> .kcd
convert .kcd -> .dbf
convert .kcd -> .dbc
convert .kcd -> .xls
convert .arxml -> .dbc x
convert .arxml -> .dbf
convert .arxml -> .kcd
convert .arxml -> .xls x
convert .xls(x) -> .kcd
convert .xls(x) -> .dbf
convert .xls(x) -> .dbc
convert .xls(x) -> .xls
generate Busmaster Simulation out of .dbf/.dbc/.arxml
DISCLAIMER: This is 'couchware', this software is coded on the couch while watching TV. Thus, the quality is very bad! DON'T USE IT FOR ANY SERIOUS WORK ON CARS!
- generate Busmaster Simulation out of .kcd will never work, because default-framedata missing
For a Windows you need python and lxml library for python. I use "active python" and installed lxml-package from active lxml is nedded for .arxml and .kcd support
after download and with python in your path, you should be able to use:
./ some-matrix.dbc some-matrix.dbf
./ some-matrix.arxml some-matrix.dbc
Have Fun, feel free to contact me for any suggestions Eduard