North Valley Business Academy Administrator Dashboard

NVBA Admin Dashboard is a course management application for a small to mid-size organization.


  • Client and server side programs
  • Integrated user account infrastructure
  • Custom user authorization
  • Create, display, modify, and delete course data from dashboard
  • Modular and extensible through configuration

Tech Stack

Client: Create React App, Axios

Server: Node, Express, Sequelize, Sqlite3, Bcrypt

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd nvba-admin-dashboard

Install dependencies

  cd client
  npm install
  cd ../api
  npm install

Start the server

  npm start
  cd ../client
  npm start

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your runtime environment

API_URL - a string representing the hosting location of the api application (defaults to localhost:5000)