
Ready to BASH some consoles? Now you are.

Primary LanguageShell


Ready to BASH some consoles? Now you are.

How to use these dotfiles

  1. Clone this repo where I tell you to: git clone git@github.com:krry/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
  2. Run the setup script: ./getdotty.sh
  3. Refresh your shell's dotfiles: . ~/.bashrc


Comments for most of the shell mods are inline in the dotfiles. Here are a few highlights:

  • a nicely color-coded shell prompt complete with timestamp, clear line breaks, current directory, and current git branch
  • a slew of environment variables and configurations to make git and node run smoothly
  • a boatload of aliases for common console, git, and git flow commands

Coming soon

  • checks and installers for
    • git
    • node
    • brew
    • global npm packages like gulp, bower, nodemon
    • git flow
    • git-completion.bash
  • support for zsh


Beers and cheers to Michael Smalley for pubbing his approach to cloud-based dotfiles back in aught-twelve. I adapted his makesymlinks.sh herein because writing shell scripts is like eating uncooked pasta.*

*hard to do, hard to watch, better left to daredevils and machines