
Playground for docker-swarm

Primary LanguageShell


Playground for docker-swarm

Getting started

Download and install the dependencies

Build your docker cluster

We provide a little cluster of 4 vms running boot2docker

  • tools containing a local docker registry and a squid proxy for images and network caching ; consul for service discovery and key/value storage ; zookeeper for kafka

  • swarm-master, docker swarm master node

  • 2 (see SWARM_NODES) swarm nodes, nodes that will receive containers apps

  • a registrator container on each swarm nodes (master included) to notify consul

  • plus an overlay network to make the communication work in this world !



Opened ports on tools machine

Ports Services
8500 Consul
5000 Registry
3128 Squid Proxy
2181 Zookeeper

Launch your services


The elephant on a boat


Tick stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor)

Effective stack by influxdata for telemetry



Ports Services
8083, 8086 InfluxDB
10000 Chronograf
9092 Kapacitor
3000 Grafana