
All in one OpenStack with Puppet

Primary LanguageShell

#OpenStack with Puppet

This project gathers many projects from OpenStack and StackForge Puppet efforts and brings a simple tool to have a clean OpenStack Juno installation on a Single Node all in one OpenStack installation perfects for testing purposes.

WARNING : This project has been tested only with Ubuntu 14.04 and might not work with other versions or OS without modifications

Puppet Master

We use vagrant with VirtualBox to build up quickly a server running a puppet master but you can also, install the puppet master on the same node as your OpenStack server.

$ git clone https://github.com/bonclay7/puppet-stacktryout.git
$ cd puppet-stacktryout/puppetmaster
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh # if necessary, for example get the ip address
$ sudo service apache2 restart # to restart puppet

Configuring the client (future OpenStack server)

We consider, at this point you have a Trusty Ubuntu Server (14.04) fresh install and running. Your Puppetmaster running as well. We can launch our allinone OpenStack server using the prepare-openstack-server.sh script. (do it as root)

But You will need to update those two variables :

# ** WARNING : Configure Properly this section **

And then :

$ git clone https://github.com/bonclay7/puppet-stacktryout.git
$ cd puppet-stacktryout/
$ sed -i "s/ PUPPETMASTER IP/" prepare-openstack-server.sh
$ sed -i "s/eth1/YOUR IFACE or LEAVE IT BLANK/" prepare-openstack-server.sh
$ sudo sh prepare-openstack-server.sh

Boot an instance with Heat


  • Fix Heat Domain Users (keystone user-role-add --user admin --tenant admin --role heat_stack_owner) neutron floatingip-create public nova floatingip-associate

Known errors

  • check volume_group = cinder-volumes on /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
  • debug cinder with vgs and pvs
  • check for hardware acceleration with egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo > 0 and replace virtualization by qemu if the result is zero on /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf