
Code written during INFO 344 labs

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Code written during INFO 344 labs

INFO 344 Lab Coding

Fork this repo and use your fork for all the code you write in-class.

I will add more directories and starter code to this repo as we go along. To pull these new files into your fork, execute the commands below.

On a Lab Machine?

The lab machines completely reset when you log out, so execute all of these commands each time you need to pull updates.

First, tell git who you are:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email your-netid@uw.edu

Then clone your forked repo to your lab machine, and execute these commands from within the repo directory to pull the updates:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/info344-a17/info344-labs.git
git pull upstream master

If you end up in vim to confirm a merge message, just hit Esc and type :wq (for "write and quit") to accept the default message and get back to your command prompt.

On Your Own Laptop?

After cloning your forked repo for the first time, execute this command once from within the repo directory to setup the upstream remote:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/info344-a17/info344-labs.git

When I ask you to pull updates, execute this command from within the repo directory:

git pull upstream master

If you end up in vim to confirm a merge message, just hit Esc and type :wq (for "write and quit") to accept the default message and get back to your command prompt.