A plugin for the Impact javascript game engine (http://impactjs.com/). This plugin extends ig.Game and ig.Entity with functions to directly manipulate the z index. How to use: Create a new plugins folder if one does not exist: lib/plugins Create a new folder called zmagic: lib/plugins/zmagic Place the zmagic.js file within that folder. Within the main.js file, require: 'plugins.zmagic.zmagic' Usage: 1) Initialize zmagic: Within your main game's init function: init: function(){ .... new ig.Zmagic(); .... } 2) ig.Game.swapIndex function Used when you have a situation where you want to put one entity in front of another, but don't won't to modify the z index directly and sort, etc. ig.game.swapzIndex(entityA, entityB); 3) ig.Entity.moveToFront Used to place an entity at the "front" or top of the list of entities. For example if you had a pointer entity that should always be above any newly generated entities. Within that enity: update: function() { ... this.moveToFront(); this.parent(); }
A plugin for the Impact javascript game engine (http://impactjs.com/). This plugin extends ig.Game and ig.Entity with functions to directly manipulate the z index.