
An application to help me track the books I plan to read and those I have already read

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An application to help me track the books I want to read and those I have already read.

Project highlights

  • Wrote entire backend of the application
  • Used Express.js for the server and MySQL for the database
  • Utilized MVC structure
  • Wrote my own ORM to communicate between my model and database
  • Wrote front end using HTML, Handlebars.js, CSS, and JavaScript

Application flow

  • The user can search for a new book by title or author
  • Suggestions are rendered using jQuery UI's autofill feature
  • If the user adds the new book, it is displayed in the "I want to read" list
  • Additional details, such as a description of the book, are obtained from google's Google Books API and displayed for the user
  • The book's details are stored in a SQL database using MySQL
  • Handlebars.js is used to display the books on the front end
  • Users can move the book from their "I want to read" list to their "I have completed reading" list
  • making this change initiates a call to the backend to change the book's "done" status in the database
  • For all books the user has read, the user can store a rating and personal notes
  • Such details are stored in the database


  • Google Books
  • used for search field auto-fill and to retreive additional details on selected books (description, etc.)
  • Custom API developed for the front end to interact with the back end.

Node modules

  • Express (to handle routing and serving data)
  • Body-parser (to process API requests)
  • Method-override (to enable PUT and DELETE requests directly from forms in the HTML)
  • Express-handlebars (to quickly deliver and render HTML using data from MySQL)
  • MySQL (for storing and retrieving data)
  • Request (to make API calls from my back end to other APIs like Google Books)


  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • Google Fonts

Future Development

  • add media queries to handle different size Screenshot
  • incorporate time stamps for when a book is completed
  • add authorization so the app can be used by multiple users
  • use TDD to test current build and drive future development


book tracker