
Catches problems before publishing npm packages

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Catches publishing problems


Sometimes things can go awry if you, say, accidentally a production dependency as a dev dependency. Or omit a file from the files prop. Or get too excited about adding stuff to .npmignore. Or maybe the entry points are wrong. Or you are trying to provide dual ESM/CJS modules (in which case, you definitely need this).

This action will run a script (provided by you) within your package--as your package would appear to a consumer.

In other words, we want to check if npm install <your-pkg> actually installs a package that can be used.



npm script name (as in the scripts prop of package.json) to run. Required.


Space-delimited list of one or more npm workspace names, paths, or a path to a workspace dir. Corresponds to the --workspace argument of npm pack. If present, will cause npm run-script to run for each resulting installation.


Pack all workspaces. Corresponds to the --workspaces flag of npm pack. If true, will cause npm run-script to run for each resulting installation. Boolean.


If workspaces is true, also pack the workspace root. Corresponds to the --include-workspace-root flag of npm pack. Boolean.


Space-delimited list of extra arguments (including any leading dashes; e.g., --ignore-scripts) to use with npm install /path/to/tarball.tgz.


If true, print whatever npm is doing under the hood. Boolean.


If true, output the result of the action as a single JSON blob. The shape of this is defined by the SmokerJsonOutput type declared by midnight-smoker. Boolean.



Example Usage

    name: Smoke Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - uses: boneskull/nodejs-production-test-action@v1
          script: test:smoke # name of script in workspace
          # workspace: foo bar # // list of npm workspaces, if any
          # workspaces: false # // if `true`, run script for all workspaces
          # quiet: false # // do not suppress npm output
          # includeWorkspaceRoot: false # // also include workspace root if `workspaces` is true
          # extraNpmInstallArgs: '--ignore-scripts' # // extra flags for `npm install` of tarball (space-delimited), if needed

Local Testing

To mimic what GH actions would do, run node dist/index.js and set the following environment variables (all are required):

  • INPUT_SCRIPT=<your-script>
  • INPUT_QUIET=true or INPUT_QUIET=false
  • INPUT_JSON=true or INPUT_JSON=false

Using the same convention, other inputs can be set this way via environment variables.


  • npm run-script operations are run in serial due to the typical low CPU core count of CI machines and the inability to abort child processes via GH's actions toolkit. This may be re-enabled at a later time if an API with AbortSignal support can be leveraged.
  • The installation of tarballs happens within a single temp dir. At a later time, each npm install should happen in its own directory. This will necessarily cause a slowdown, because the npm install command is run against all tarballs at once.
  • The temp dir is removed at the end of the run.
  • Lifecycle script output from npm pack is always suppressed because it writes to STDOUT and thus inhibits parsing of its JSON output.


  • Run npm install and npm run-script in parallel (see notes).

Stuff I Won't Do But Will Entertain PRs For

  • Alternate package manager support
  • Execution of arbitrary scripts (instead of package.json scripts)


  • Support for different CI services
  • Explicit support for unique or weird use-cases
  • Rewrite it in TypeScript


Copyright © 2022 Christopher "boneskull" Hiller. Licensed Apache-2.0