
WoWthing icon/map/etc generation

Primary LanguagePython

WoWthing Media

WoW icons and other images


  1. Download the latest listfile from wow.tools - Listfile dropdown, "Community CSV (all filenames, incl. guessed ones)".

  2. Run cascview and extract all of interface/icons/.

  3. Copy interface/icons/*.blp into the blp/ directory.

  4. Download/link updated CSVs into this directory.

  5. Remove old files: rm -rf [1-5]*.

  6. Generate resized icons: python3 resize.py.

  7. Generate webp files: find [1-5]* -name '*.png' \! -type l -print0 | parallel -q0 cwebp -q 85 -quiet "{}" -o "{.}.webp"

  8. Generate webp links: python3 links.py.

  9. Create tar file: tar cvf icons.tar [1-5]*.

  10. Upload tar file: scp icons.tar host:.

  11. Extract tar file on host.

  12. Flush Cloudflare cache.