EZHZ Android

This is an android app for rooted device to help you to perform penetration testing on the applications installed on your device.


  • Forward network traffic of any application to interceptor proxy (inspired by proxydroid)
  • Manage and install any version of Frida server on your device (inspired by FridaLoader)
  • Inspect and modify network encrypted or unencrypted shared preference data of any application


You can download the latest release APK from here. In order to install it, just install by adb command as follows:

adb install -r ezhz-android-vX.X.apk # replace X.X with the version number


You can build the APK by yourself by cloning this repository and build it with Android Studio.


Intercept network traffic

  1. Start the app and grant root access
  2. Go to Proxy menu
  3. Set the proxy address, port, proxy type, and dns of the interceptor proxy in Proxy Settings section.
  4. Set the applications on Apps Proxy that you want to intercept its network traffic or check Global Proxy for all applications in Target Settings section.
  5. Start the proxy by clicking on Proxy Switch switch.

Install Frida server

  1. Start the app and grant root access
  2. Go to Frida menu
  3. Select the Frida server version that you want to install
  4. Click on Install button
  5. Wait until the installation is finished
  6. Start the Frida server by clicking on Execute button


  • Thank you for amazing ideas from proxydroid that using iptables and transparent proxy to forward network traffic to any interceptor tool. I upgrade the functionality of proxydroid to support QUIC protocol by changing the proxy client from redsocks to gost v3 and relay UDP traffic to it. Additionally, I have a problem about finding target applications in application selector activity, so I have implemented new application selector by adding search functionality to it.
  • Thank you for nice ideas from FridaLoader that it will download the latest version of frida-server from Github and run it by root user. I upgrade the functionality of FridaLoader to support multiple versions of frida-server and make it to be foreground service in order to be easier to manage.