
Dog Breed Classifier

Primary LanguageHTML


Udacity data science nanodegree project 4

Table of contents

  1. Libraries used
  2. Project Inspiration
  3. File Descriptions
  4. Data Insights
  5. Licensing, Authors, and Acknowledgements

Libraries used

Python version 3.0. Plugins and imports used were: Keras, Pandas, MatplotLib. Libraries:Scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib, os, glob

Project Inspiration

Have you ever had a time that when we walk on street or look on instagram, seen a cute dog and don’t know what breed it is. This is exhuasting for many of us, we are all dog lovers, so dog breed classifier comes handy for us. Why dog breed classifier is challenging? These 2 sets of dog comaprsion may give us a taste of it. Human eyes barely can tell the differences.

dashboard screenshot

File Descriptions

dog_breed_classifier.ipynb : Jupyter notebook containing all the codes and results

dog_breed_classifier.html : Jupyter notebook in hmtl form containing all the codes and results

saved_models : A folder contains 3 models I trained, CNN from scratch, vgg16 CNN, and ResNet-50 CNN

Dog_img : A folder contains all the images I used for the test from internet

Asset : Pictures I used for write ReadMe file


I build a CNN using transfer learning to classify dog breeds that can reach 85% accuracy on test data. Then:

what is an CNN, what is VGG16? etc

dashboard screenshot

How this classifier works?

dashboard screenshot

Before we dive into details, take a look of our dataset, human faces

dashboard screenshot

Dog breed image barplot to understand how our data distributed among breeds

dashboard screenshot

How the classifier performs on test images?

dashboard screenshot

How the classifer performs in real life?

dashboard screenshot

At the end, using ResNet-50 transfer learning we build a CNN can reach 85% test accuracy, which is perfect for us. Also there are some posiible improvements, all the detials is discussed in this post

Licensing, Authors, Acknowledgements

Authors: here