
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

#fuckr: Grindr™ for Mac and Windows

fuckr is a Grindr™ client for desktop built with Node-Webkit, AngularJS and a modified version of jacasr.

##Run First, install node-webkit (eg. npm install -g nodewebkit). Then

cd fuckr/
nw .


npm install
node package.js

And to package as a DMG for OSX:

npm install -g appdmg
appdmg dmg.json

##Reverse engineering grindr If there's anything you wanna know about Grindr that's not in the code, you can easily analyse the HTTP part with mitmproxy's regular proxy mode and the XMPP part with... just Wireshark (and ettercap to save time) since grindr XMPP client doesn't bother encrypting!

##Tip to Contribute Releases history is hosted in gh-pages branch so to fetch code only use git clone https://github.com/tomlandia/fuckr.git --branch master --single-branch
