
CPython extension for pathfinding.

Primary LanguageC++


This is a small project to use CPython extensions.

I have re-implemented Dijkstra's pathfinding algorithm in C++ and made an extension out of it to use it with python.

The test.py file contains some benchmark which compares the performance of this extension against the pathfinding library.

How to build?

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

make clean build install
make benchmark # If you want to run the benchmark.
make single_run # If you want to run it once and see the results.


virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

python3 setup.py build install

python3 test.py # If you want to run the benchmark.
python3 single_run.py # If you want to run it once and see the results.

How to use?

import pathfinder
import numpy

# Create a ndarray of bools which represents your map.
map = numpy.zeros((100,100), dtype=bool)

# True represents an obstacle
map[1,3] = True

# Find the path between (0,0) and (99,99):
path = pathfinder.dijkstra(map, (0,0), (99,99))

# If there is no path, the function returns None, otherwise it returns a list with all the positions from the start to the end.


To see the results, you can run test.py. Here are the results I got running it on my laptop.

The benchmarks were run on a grid of 100x100 cells, with obstacles placed randomly (uniform distribution) on the map with a probility of p=0.8. The algorithm was tested on 1000 times, with a different map for each test.

Both algorithms (pathfinding lib and cpython extention) were tested against the same set of map.

Extension        2.109 milliseconds
Python lib     258.623 milliseconds
Extension is 122.7 times faster than python.

Histogram using CPython extension: Extension

Histogram using "pathfinding" python library: Python library

Histogram using A* algorithm and CPython extension: A* using extension