Where to now (group project)

To set up:

fork the repo to your own github repo. clone from your own github to your local computer. Then set up locally:

configure .gitignore configure your database.yml and add to .gitignore bundle install Do whatever mac thing you need to do. rake db:create rake db:migrate rails server (or rails s) in browser go to localhost:3000 to see if it all worked.

About the site:

A single page web application focused on data visualization giving an exposure of the culture of cities around the world, based on API data from Meetup.com.

Team roles:

Aviel: API, Back-end Development, CSS Bono: Front-end development, CSS Helen: Git Lord, Content manager, CSS master

What we used:

  • Trello for project management

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Javascript Libraries: Jquery, smooth-scroll, chart, D3

  • CSS

  • Postgresql

What worked

  • Clearly defined roles

  • Opportunities for partner coding

  • Deployment for the site from the initial stages of the project

  • Clear concept about the back-end logic, revised when needed

  • Everyone got to work with their strengths

  • Most members took a risk and tried something new

  • A relaxed environment

What didn’t

  • Occasional gitHub glitches

  • Adapting to a new gitHub workflow (for some)

  • try a few libraries for css effect, proved not fit the main theme

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby on Rails


  • Database creation, initialization,

  • API and JSON

  • Data visualization

  • Deployment instructions