News Search Application

The News Search Application is a web-based search engine that allows users to search for news articles from various sources. It utilizes Elasticsearch as the underlying search engine and Flask as the web framework.


  • Crawl: The application uses the newspaper framework to crawl news articles from predefined sources. It retrieves the article URL, title, text, publish date, and source.

  • Indexing: The crawled articles are indexed into Elasticsearch, allowing efficient searching and retrieval of articles based on user queries.

  • Search: Users can search for articles using keywords. The application performs a full-text search in Elasticsearch and returns relevant articles based on the query.

  • Pagination: The search results are paginated for better user experience. The application uses the flask_paginate library to implement pagination.

Setup and Usage

  1. Install Dependencies: Ensure that you have Python installed. Install the required dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. Configure Elasticsearch: Make sure you have Elasticsearch installed and running. Adjust the Elasticsearch connection settings in the code to match your Elasticsearch configuration.

  3. Crawl Articles: Run the crawl script to collect news articles from the predefined sources. The script will crawl the articles, extract relevant information, and index them into Elasticsearch.

  4. Start the Application: Run python3 to start the Flask web server. Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:5000.

  5. Search Articles: Use the search bar to enter keywords and retrieve relevant articles. Use the advanced search options to further refine your search.

  6. Pagination: Navigate through the search results using the pagination links at the bottom of the page.

Future Improvements

  • User Authentication: Implement user authentication and authorization to allow personalized features such as saving articles or creating custom search preferences.

  • Real-time Updates: Add functionality to automatically crawl and index new articles periodically to ensure the search engine is up to date with the latest news.

  • User Interface Enhancements: Improve the user interface with a responsive design, additional search filters, and interactive features.

  • Advanced Search: The application provides advanced search options such as filtering articles by date range or specific sources.


Contributions to the News Search Application are welcome! If you have any ideas for new features, bug fixes, or general improvements, feel free to submit a pull request.


The News Search Application is open-source and released under the MIT License.