
A web spider's worst nightmare.

Primary LanguagePython


TarPyt is a Python Web tarpit, inspired by a description of a PHP equivalent called Labyrinth. It's an automated scanner's worst nightmare, a maze of twisty URIs, all alike.

Running TarPyt

TarPyt can be run on its own, or as a WSGI app. In its current (testing) state, running under a separate webserver as a WSGI app has not been tested, but should work just fine. To run standalone, just run:

python tarpyt.py

Generating Markov chains

The included genmarkov.py can be used to generate and pickle a simple Markov chain for building html-like content. I've had decent luck pointing it at the Alexa top 20 web sites, downloaded with wget. Currently, TarPyt only uses these chains to generate urls, but full pages will be coming soon.


A random list of features, to be better organized later:

  • WSGI-compatible interface
  • "Random" different responses (HTTP redirects, link pages, etc.)
  • Base response on a hash of the request, so it's consistent
  • Generate Markov chains of HTML and URI paths for realistic responses
  • Infinite redirects, slow responses
  • Artificially slow responses (1 Bps)
  • Artificially large (4GB) content-length headers for agents that pre-allocate storage


  • Shell script to get top 100 Alexa sites and build markov chains
  • Use Markov chains to build HTML in responses
  • False positives for scanners: SQLi (database errors), etc.
  • Alerting, stats?


Possible ideas for cruelty to scanners/spiders:

  • Pathological-case compression (high resource use for recipient)
  • Broken markup: research edge cases for XML parsers