Periodic Automated DB backups via SSH-tunneling

SSH tunneling


  • Host - your machine / machine you want the backups to be fetched and stored
  • Proxy - the middle machine through which we connect to Remote
  • Remote - the target machine in private network which has the DB running
  1. In Host, Update .ssh/config
Host proxy
  HostName {proxy_public_ip}
  IdentityFile ~/path/proxy_key.pem
  User ec2-user
  Port 22
Host remote
  HostName {target_private_ip}
  IdentityFile ~/path/remote_key.pem
  User ec2-user
  Port 22
  ProxyJump proxy
  1. In Host, now you should be able to connect to remote
ssh remote
  1. Now that you are connected to remote, Try running the command to dump the database into a folder named ~/dump. Eg command to dump postgres db. If you want to setup an example postgres db in remote follow the instructions in compose file.
pg_dump \
  -U {db_username} \
  -d {db_name} \
  -F c -w \
  -f ~/dump/db-latest.dump
  1. Exit out to host, now we need to copy ~/dump folder to host machine renamed to db-dump-{date}. For this we will use the scp comment in host
scp -r remote:~/dump ~/db-dump-demo


In Host, we will use pm2 to run a script periodically / in cron. But first we need to setup pm2

nodejs18+ should be already installed

  1. Install pm2
npm i -g pm2
  1. Create .env file from .env.local. Change the variables to your liking and run once to check whether .dump file is created in dump path and log is added to backup.log. To run the script
chmod +x ./
  1. Now start the backup-task.json. which creates a backup with current timestamp every 10 seconds For starting cron job
pm2 start backup-task.json

For viewing logs

pm2 logs -f backup-task

For removing cron job

pm2 delete backup-task
  1. (OPTIONAL) Setup crobtab to run pm2 flush every month to clean old pm2 logs. To set up a cron job to run pm2 flush every month, you can use the crontab command. Here's how to do it:

    1. Open your terminal.

    2. Type the following command to edit your user's crontab file:

    crontab -e
    1. This will open your crontab file in the default text editor.

    2. Add the following line to schedule the pm2 flush command to run monthly:

    0 0 1 * * pm2 flush

    This line breaks down as follows:

    • 0 for the minute field (run at the 0th minute of the hour).
    • 0 for the hour field (run at midnight).
    • 1 for the day of the month (1 means the first day).
    • * for the month field (any month).
    • * for the day of the week (any day of the week).
    • pm2 flush is the command you want to run.
    1. Save the file and exit the text editor.

    Your pm2 flush command will now run at midnight on the first day of every month.