
A battery included App Review Manager for iOS and macOS in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION


Jude is a battery included App Review Manager for iOS and macOS in Swift.

The library is heavily based on and inspired by iRate and appirater, 2 well known Objective-C libraries for App Store rating working for iOS and macOS. Judex aims to be a good alternative 100% written Swift.

Getting Started


Install Judex is pretty straight forward with Cocoapods:

pod 'Judex'

To manual install, copy the Judex.swift file and Judex.bundle in your project and you are good to go!


To configure Judex just use:

Judex.shared.daysUntilPrompt = 10
Judex.shared.usesUntilPrompt = 15
Judex.shared.remindPeriod = 3 // days

If you want to manually check or present the alert, use:

// returns a boolean indicating if conditions are matching

// force prompting

If you want to use a custom alert library in iOS, you can use the following callback:

public var customPrompt: ((_ viewController: UIViewController) -> Void)? = nil

You can then use the three functions to process the user's action:

// User rated

// User asked for reminding later (next release)

// User declined 


Judex self configures itself based on the bundle id, in case you need more control, you can force the bundleID name and App Store ID:

Judex.shared.applicationBundleID = "developer.apple.wwdc-Release" //WWDC app

In case you use the same bundle ID for a macOS and iOS app, you can configure the App Store ID directly, to avoid conflicts:

Judex.shared.appStoreId = 284910350 // Yelp for iPhone


Judex uses the [Judex] log prefix, if you want to activate the debug logs, add this to your code:

Judex.shared.verbose = true


MIT of course.

Release Notes

Version 0.1.0:

* Initial release