
DynoYARN is a framework to run simulated YARN clusters and workloads for YARN scale testing.

Primary LanguageJavaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


DynoYARN is a tool to spin up on-demand YARN clusters and run simulated YARN workloads for scale testing. It can simulate 10,000 node YARN cluster performance on a 100 node Hadoop cluster.

DynoYARN was created to address the following:

  1. Evaluate YARN features and Hadoop version upgrades on resource manager performance
  2. Forecast resource manager performance on large YARN clusters

DynoYARN consists of a "driver" application and "workload" application. The driver is responsible for spinning up the simulated YARN cluster. The driver assumes the resource manager uses capacity scheduler. The workload is responsible for replaying a trace on the simulated cluster in real-time.

The driver and workload can be configured to spin up a cluster and replay workloads of arbitrary size, meaning DynoYARN can simulate a wide range of scenarios, from replaying previous production performance issues, to predicting resource manager performance of future clusters and workloads.

Both the driver and workload are implemented as YARN applications, so you need a functional Hadoop cluster to run the simulation.


To build DynoYARN jars needed to run the simulation, run ./gradlew build from the root directory. The required jars are in dynoyarn-driver/build/libs/dynoyarn-driver-*-all.jar and dynoyarn-generator/build/libs/dynoyarn-generator-*-all.jar.


DynoYARN simulations can be run through command line by manually running the driver and workload applications, or by running it through Azkaban (which packages these applications into a single Azkaban job).

Command Line


On a machine with Hadoop access, add the following into a directory:

  1. dynoyarn-driver-*-all.jar jar
  2. dynoyarn-generator-*-all.jar jar
  3. Create a dynoyarn-site.xml file. This contains properties which will be added to the simulated cluster daemons (resource manager and node managers). A base config is provided here.
  4. Create a dynoyarn.xml file. This contains properties which will be used for the simulation itself (e.g. number of node managers to spin up, resource capability of each node manager, etc). A base config is provided here.

Next, you need a workload trace to replay (see Workload Spec Format) for more info. An example workload trace is provided here. Copy the workload trace to be replayed to HDFS:

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal workload-example.json /tmp/workload-example.json

It's useful to run the simulated resource manager on the same node across each simulation. Furthermore, we want to ensure the resource manager is running in an isolated environment to accurately reproduce resource manager behavior. To do this, configure dynoyarn.resourcemanager.node-label in dynoyarn.xml to dyno (or any label name you choose), pick a node in your cluster where you want the simulated resource manager to run (e.g. hostname:8041), then run yarn rmadmin -addToClusterNodeLabels dyno; yarn rmadmin -replaceLabelsOnNode hostname:8041=dyno so that the simulated resource manager will run on hostname:8041 for each simulation.

Running the simulation

  1. To run the driver application, run from the directory:

    CLASSPATH=$(${HADOOP_HDFS_HOME}/bin/hadoop classpath --glob):./:./* java com.linkedin.dynoyarn.DriverClient -hadoop_binary_path /hdfs/path/to/hadoop.tarball.tar.gz -conf dynoyarn.xml -capacity_scheduler_conf /hdfs/path/to/capacity-scheduler.xml

where the hadoop_binary_path argument contains the Hadoop binary and conf which the driver components (RM and NMs) will use (you can use the same tarball that you would use when configuring mapreduce.application.framework.path for MapReduce jobs), and the capacity_scheduler_conf argument contains the capacity scheduler configuration which the driver's RM will use.

The driver application lifetime is controlled by dynoyarn.driver.simulation-duration-ms, after which the application (and simulated cluster) will terminate, and RM app summary and GC logs will be uploaded to HDFS (to dynoyarn.driver.rm-log-output-path).

  1. To run the workload application, run from the directory:

    CLASSPATH=$(${HADOOP_HDFS_HOME}/bin/hadoop classpath --glob):./:./* java com.linkedin.dynoyarn.workload.WorkloadClient -workload_spec_location /tmp/workload-example.json -conf dynoyarn.xml -driver_app_id application_1615840027285_57002

where workload_spec_location is the location on HDFS containing the trace to rerun, and driver_app_id is the YARN app id for the driver app submitted previously.


To run a DynoYARN simulation via Azkaban, run ./gradlew build from the root directory, and upload the resulting zip to Azkaban at dynoyarn-azkaban/build/distributions/dynoyarn-azkaban-*.

Workload Spec Format

The workload trace is in json format, one app per line. An example app:

  "amResourceRequest": {
    "memoryMB": 2048,
    "vcores": 1
  "appId": "application_1605737660848_3450869",
  "appType": "MAPREDUCE",
  "queue": "default",
  "user": "user2",
  "submitTime": 1607151674623,
  "resourceRequestSpecs": [
      "runtimes": [13262, 41329],
      "numInstances": 2,
      "resource": {
        "memoryMB": 4096,
        "vcores": 1
      "priority": 20
      "runtimes": [13292],
      "numInstances": 1,
      "resource": {
        "memoryMB": 8192,
        "vcores": 2
      "priority": 10

This was taken from a MAPREDUCE app that ran on a production cluster, which ran with id application_1605737660848_3450869 and was submitted at 1607151674623. When replaying this app, it will be submitted as user user2, to queue default. The AM will run in a <2GB, 1 vcore> container; it will first request two <4GB, 1 vcore> containers with priority 20 that run for about 13 and 41 seconds, respectively. Once both containers finish, the app will request a single <8GB, 2 vcore> container with priority 10 that runs for about 13 seconds.

The apps in the trace are submitted to the simulated cluster in relative real-time; in the example, the first app was submitted at 1607151674543 and marks the start of the simulation; the second app was submitted at 1607151674623, and will be submitted 1607151674623 - 1607151674543 = 80 milliseconds after the first app.

To generate a trace, you can combine production RM app summary logs with audit logs containing information on when containers (e.g. mappers/reducers for MapReduce, or executors for Spark) for each application were requested.