
Full-screen, full-featured calendar library in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build large format calendars in JavaScript

This plugin is built using prototype.js and is likely not suitable for most production sites today. However, if the time comes where there is a desire to support it on jQuery/zepto, I will rewrite it. In the mean time...

CalendarJS is a JavaScript widget that allows you to instantiate a calendar widget on demand, and fill it with color-coded events, and attach controls to specific dates, months, and years. It provides an API to attaching events and loading / unloading content based on events that happen on certain dates.

Current Version

1.0.0 (Last updated 2007-03-07)


This plugin requires prototype JS version 1.6 or above (http://prototypejs.org)


Assuming there is a call for it, the following work needs doing:

  • Convert to a more recent JS library (i.e., jQuery or zepto for starters)
  • Changes to the API to allow for more functionality
  • Minification
  • I wrote this all the way back in 2007. Be gentle :)


See a live, working demonstration here : http://labs.untropy.net/calendar/

View source to examine how the example functionality is defined.


Pending. For now, please see the example above and the documentation in src/untropy_calendar.js