
Neural text-to-text question generation

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Question Generation

Tom Hosking - MSc Project

Question Generation

Model Architecture

This repo primarily comprises an implmentation of Machine Comprehension by Text-to-Text Neural Question Generation, plus a load of other research code. It is a work in progress and almost certainly contains bugs!

Requires python 3 and TensorFlow - tested on 1.4, 1.7, 1.12


pip install -r requirements.txt

Or run the demo with docker - you'll need to mount ./models and ./data


To train a model, place SQuAD and Glove datasets in ./data/ and run train.sh. To evaluate a saved model, run eval.sh. See src/flags.py for a description of available options and hyperparameters.

If you have a saved model checkpoint, you can interact with it using the demo - run python src/demo/app.py.

Code structure

TFModel provides a basic starting point and should cover generic boilerplate TF work. Seq2SeqModel implements most of the model, including a copy mechanism, encoder/decoder architecture and so on. MaluubaModel adds the extra computations required for continued training by policy gradient.

src/datasources/squad_streamer.py provides an input pipeline using TensorFlow datasets to do all the preprocessing.

src/langmodel/lm.py implements a relatively straightforward LSTM language model.

src/qa/mpcm.py implements the Multi-Perspective Context Matching QA model referenced in the Maluuba paper. NOTE: I have yet to train this successfully beyond 55% F1, there may still be bugs hidden in there.

src/discriminator/ is a modified QANet architecture, used to predict whether a context/question/answer triple is valid or not - this could be used to distinguish between generated questions and real ones or to filter out adversarial examples (eg SQuAD v2).


  • Train using the RL components
  • Some config options are still hardcoded (eg restore paths, model type)
  • The output code is still a bit ad-hoc, and could do with tidying up
  • train.py does a lot of work that would ideally be refactored out