
Small script to show nice graphs for the Mikado method

Primary LanguagePerl


mikado is a small Perl script to generate graphs for the Mikado method using Graphviz.

The input format is simple:

    -> Prerequisite: immediate\nsolution to errors when implementing\nMikado Goal
        -> Add more\nprerequisites...
            -> Prerequisite can\nhave common\ndependencies ✓
        -> ...linked to\nthe previous
            -> Prerequisite can\nhave common\ndependencies ✓
        -> There can be lots\nof such dependent\nchanges needed
    -> The Mikado Goal\ncan have several direct\nprerequisites

(The only case one has to duplicate nodes is when they are a dependency for more than one node.)

And the result is good enough:

(This image was obtained with the command: mikado --rankdir BT example.txt.)

Installation and Dependencies

To install this program, simply download the latest version, and make it executable.

Only Perl and Graphviz are needed to run mikado.

The online help is obtained by running mikado --help.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.